News You Can Use - NO PINKSLIME
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News You Can Use - NO PINKSLIME
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Scooped by #BBBundyBlog #NOMORELIES Tom Woods #Activist Award #Scoopiteer >20,000 Sources >250K Connections!

Petition: Demand Congress Complete Benghazi Obama Coverup Investigation

Join Liberty Counsel Action in demanding that the ObamaCare repeal amendment be brought to a full Senate vote!
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Scooped by #BBBundyBlog #NOMORELIES Tom Woods #Activist Award #Scoopiteer >20,000 Sources >250K Connections!

Obama Benghazi Coverup: The Rats are Feeling the Rising Water

Obama Benghazi Coverup: The Rats are Feeling the Rising Water | News You Can Use - NO PINKSLIME |

Also, Lawsuits Filed on Obama for Criminal Racketeering and Treason: This effort is focused on sacrifice to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.

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