Healthy Weight and Auto Injury Recovery  | Accidents and Injuries |

Research conducted by the University of North Carolina, Department of Anesthesiology has indicated that weight differences among individuals who’ve been involved in an automobile accident can ultimately affect the recovery rate of auto injuries. The research determined that losing weight may be a necessary means towards not only improving an individual’s overall health but also, reducing the risk of possible injuries during a future automobile accident.

The study involved 1,000 adults whom had checked into an emergency department within 24 hours after a car collision. Overall, 37% of individuals were characterized as normal weight, 32% of individuals were characterized as overweight, 18% of individuals were characterized as obese, and 13% of individuals were characterized as morbidly obese. Each individual rated their injury symptom levels on a scale of 0 to 10, mainly describing pain and discomfort on their neck, shoulders, and back. Individual assessments were conducted at the end of the study as well as six months and a year later. The researchers at the Department of Anesthesiology of the University of North Carolina discovered that the more weight an individual carried, the more likely they were to report pain and other symptoms. 

Conclusively, maintaining a healthy weight and/or weight loss is fundamental for achieving overall health, fitness, and wellness, as well as to prevent complications and improve the recovery rate of injuries after an automobile accident.