Youth Week Basketball Tournament | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

It's Youth Week, and the Department of Youth Services in Benque is having an under 18 basketball tournament for west Cayo youth.  They'll be having it each evening this week at Deacon's court.  Contact Jimmy Leslie at 633-5050 for more information.  Good luck, and happy Youth Week!


It's here the long awaited U-18 Basketball Tourney for youths living in Benque Viejo or Cayo West!  Starting Monday November 5 to Friday 9, 2012  All games are to take place at Deacon's Basketball Court from 6:00 p.m. onwards.
1. Ten players per team!
2. All players must be able to present proof of age, if requested.
3. The overall winning team receives a trophy!
4. All games are to be played under FIBA rules