Calla Creek Community Center Project | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Feelgood news of the day.  4 the World is helping to refurb the Calla Creek Community Center.  It was unusable, but soon it'll be nice again, and will be used for many village functions.  Thanks, 4 the World!

"Today 4 the World volunteers from Calla Creek Village along with the Village Chairman Saul Uck and 4 the World's Executive Director Robert Keith Froom started a project to refurbish the village's Community Center...  This project will continue throug the summer. And will provide a place for the school to use durring the day as classrooms by the end of August 2015.  The Community Center will provide shelter to the village during severe storms and will also house the NEMO early warning alarm system that warns the village of dangerous floods. "