Xunantunich's New Ferry Inauguration | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

More pictures from the event, this time with some history of how Xunantunich acquired its name.


"After 40 years, a new ferry was inaugurated in San Jose Succotz crossing the river to Xunantunich.  It was a combination of culture, tourism and local community.  Xunantunich was the first site open to the public in the 1950's.  The site's name has been changed numerous times and Dr. Jaime Awe from the Institute of Archeaology, enlightened those that gathered for this landmark occasion.  Initially, it was called Mount Moloney in name of Sir Alfred Moloney.  Then it was deemed an inappropriate name and called Benque Viejo.  As this thriving community was almost named the capital of Cayo.  But having a Spanish name was also considered inappropriate.  An acheaologist officionado, Thomas Gann thought it fitting to name it Xunantunich, which ancient Mayas called Clay Mountain.  Xunantunich refers to the ghost of a woman claimed by several people to inhabit the site, beginning in 1892.  She is dressed completely in white, and has fire-red glowing eyes.  She generally appears in front of "El Castillo", ascend the stone stairs, and disappears into a stone wall."