Stay Updated with the Best of Cayo | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

You should click on 'show in newsfeed' to stay updated with all the latest news in Cayo.  The Cayo Event Calendar also has a new, simple, quick-loading link:


Sorry for the inconvenience.  As you've probably heard, facebook, in a desperate attempt to squeeze money from users after being devalued by over $60 Billion, now expects pages, even community pages, to pay for people to see their posts.  To see page updates from your liked pages, you now need to go to your pages, click on the 'like' button, and then on 'show in newsfeed' or fb will only show you what they want you to see.  And we all know how well they've been at guessing what users want. 


Since this is the start of the end for fb, we're moving everything off their platform.  With fb being a memory and bandwidth hog, this can save a lot of time when loading pages, and allows much more creativity.  Of course, we'll still mirror data on fb until they either disappear like myspace, or change their interface to the point that it's unusable. 


The Best of Cayo site, where free websites are created for Cayo businesses and they are hosted for free is still and the Cayo Scoop's address will remain the same.