Rotary's Eye Clinic pictures | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Thanks go out to the Rotary Club of San Ignacio for making their Eye Clinic happen.


"For the 7th time the Rotary Club of San Ignacio supports an Eye Clinic in San Ignacio.  Since 2005, ophthalmologists have come every year to the community hospital to do medical examinations and eye surgery pro bono.  This year five eye doctors from the United States will treat approximately 200 patients.  Surgery will be done on 30+ patients.  Examinations and surgeries will take place from Sunday to Wednesday succeded by follow-ups on Thursday.


The treatments include cataract surgery, pterygium and diabetic retinopathy.  The clinic aims at indigent people of all age groups who can not afford eye surgery.  The preliminary medical examinations and the registration of patients were done by local volunteer nurses.  For 2013 another Eye Clinic is planned."