Fashion Illustration Winner Announced | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Congratulations to Cayo's own Amal Assales for winning Rebecca Stirm's Design Illustration contest!  Amal won a gold seat ticket for the Autumn/Winter 2013 fashion show happening this Saturday night in Belize.


"And the winner of our Design Illustration contest is, and the young lady who has won a Gold ticket to our runway show is................................

Avid young artist and sketcher- Amal Assales from Cayo, Belize! 

Heres her sketch and explanation.. 

'Hey Becca, I call it a confidence hat. It's derived from my post-recent [mental] obsession with Egypt. The skirt is made from a butchered forever 21 bra (Thought I'd give them credit :D)
Hope you like it '"