Blues Meets Girl Coming to Bluffs | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Steev Inglish and Kasimira Vogel will be performing their Blues Meets Girl at The Bluffs next Saturday, January 12th, at the Bluffs.  If you haven't seen them perform as a duo, here's the perfect chance.  


They've played at the Bluffs before, and at the Soul Project.  Pictures from their performance at Soul Project.


"Well folks after a busy holiday season and some time off,here we go again.  'Blues Meets Girl' will be performing songs from the new self titled release at The Bluffs on Saturday 12th January from 6 till 9pm.  Steev Inglish and Kasimira Vogel. This will be the only show in Sweet Home Cayo, so come and tear it up with us.