10 Things You Must Do During Your Next Trip to Belize | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Cayo's activities are all over the cloud lately.  Around half of this latest Huffington Post list is in Cayo, and the Bocawina zipline, the longest in Central America, is close.  The Mayan sites are highlighted, as is Caves Branch, and all the activities one can do there, like the Waterfall Cave, cave tubing, and the Black Hole Drop.  

"Belize is considered part of the southern Maya lowlands of the Mesoamerican culture area.  The area peaked in growth during the classic period dating from 250 AD to 900 AD, although the settlements date as far back as 400 BC.  Many of the excavations highlight preserved plazas, pyramids, temples, frescoes, tombs and ball fields."