San Ignacio Mission Trip | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Great feelgood story about a mission trip to Belize, where Sacred Heart's sister church in Cottage Grove sent 46 parishioners to Cayo to help out at Santa Elena Primary School and exchange ideas with Father Leo Palma and Father Lorenzo.  They brought some school supplies, along with some frisbees and athletic equipment.  The St. Dennis group also did some youth ministry, teaching, field day activities, maintenance work, and assisted with some computer and infrastructure improvements, like painting.  A big thanks to the St. Dennis group.


"'It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing for our families.  It was everything we thought it could be and 10 times more.'  Both Jeanne Schommer and Sandy Wipperfurth were struck by how little the natives have in terms of material possessions, yet are very content with their lives.  'I was really surprised by their level of happiness with so little,' Schommer said."