Cayo Scoop! The Ecology of Cayo Culture
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Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture
All the positive news and events from Cayo, with a special focus on culture, past, present, and future.
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Meet the 2012 Eco Kids

Meet the 2012 Eco Kids | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Congratulations one more time to this year's Eco Kids.  Here are some quotes from the Eco Kids.


"Camp is officially over.  The eco campers got to perform one last time for the great turn out of families and friends who made it to Chaa Creek to attend the closing ceremonies.  The kids have now gone back home (at least we think there aren’t any left hiding in the jungle) with many amazing memories, great new friends, positive attitudes, and a better appreciation for what it means to be an 'eco kid.'  I won’t forget this incredible opportunity anytime soon, and I know all the campers feel the same way I do!  To finish things off, here is a look at the 24 unique and special kids who have made the 2012 Chaa Creek Eco Camp such a memorable event."

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Responsible Tourism and Sustainability

Responsible Tourism and Sustainability | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids camp is almost finished.  The kids learned about sutainable practices and responsible tourism from Lucy Fleming and Jacqueline Britt. 


"With only two full days of camp remaining, our theme today emphasized Chaa Creek’s goals, actions, and vision for the future – responsible tourism and sustainability.  Before heading to the conference center for a presentation from Chaa Creek Owner and Founder, Lucy Fleming, our Eco Camp Director, Jacqueline Britt, gave the campers a talk about Mennonite sustainable living...  Today’s other main activity was a visit to our unofficial classroom up at the resort to learn more about how we can be more responsible in our tourism practices.  Lucy explained to us that tourism already accounts for 25% of Belize’s Gross Domestic Product and directly employs one quarter of the population. As the fastest growing industry in Belize, we have an obligation to ensure that we are practicing the most eco-friendly techniques and mentality in this field."

Juliana's curator insight, June 24, 2023 6:13 AM
Memahami apa yang dapat menjadi pariwisata yang bertanggung jawab, langkah pertama yang dapat diambil oleh pelaku bisnis perhotelan dalam menciptakan strategi yang bermanfaat bagi wisatawan, lingkungan, dan komunitas lokal. Pariwisata yang bertanggung jawab berusaha untuk mengurangi dampak buruk dari pariwisata massal dengan memastikan pariwisata mempromosikan budaya lokal, melindungi lingkungan, meningkatkan ekonomi lokal, dan melibatkan masyarakat lokal dalam upaya keberlanjutan. Ini didorong oleh kesadaran akan efek pariwisata pada budaya tuan rumah, ekonomi, ekologi, dan masyarakat lokal dan melibatkan pengambilan langkah strategis untuk mengurangi efek ini.
Tujuan akhir dari pariwisata berkelanjutan adalah untuk mengurangi dampak pariwisata terhadap masyarakat lokal dan lingkungan. Ini berarti memanfaatkan sumber daya secara optimal untuk menghindari konsumsi berlebihan, membantu konservasi alam dan membuat upaya sadar untuk menghormati tradisi dan warisan lokal, dan berkontribusi pada pelestariannya. Jadi, tujuan utama yang terkait dengan pariwisata berkelanjutan adalah membuat masa depan pariwisata jangka panjang lebih layak dan ini dicapai melalui pendidikan dan perubahan perilaku. Selain itu, pariwisata berkelanjutan bertujuan untuk memberikan manfaat ekonomi dan sosial bagi masyarakat lokal, menghasilkan lebih banyak hubungan ‘memberi dan menerima’ yang saling menguntungkan. Komponen dari pariwisata berkelanjutan meliputi geo-tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism.
Pariwisata berkelanjutan sangat terfokus pada keberlanjutan jangka panjang industri pariwisata, sehingga kebutuhan saat ini tidak membahayakan kebutuhan generasi mendatang. Tanggung jawab dibagi antara para pemimpin politik, perusahaan pariwisata dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Pariwisata yang bertanggung jawab, di sisi lain, terutama berkaitan dengan cara individu berinteraksi dengan tujuan yang mereka kunjungi dan fokusnya umumnya pada orang yang membuat perubahan perilaku.Dengan memprioritaskan pariwisata berkelanjutan, pemerintah, perusahaan perjalanan, maskapai penerbangan, hotel, restoran, dan pelancong semuanya dapat membantu memastikan pariwisata masih memungkinkan di tahun-tahun mendatang. Ketika langkah-langkah diambil untuk memberikan manfaat bagi penduduk setempat dan meminimalkan kerugian yang disebabkan oleh pariwisata, itu menjadi kekuatan untuk kebaikan di dunia.!

A Day of Maya History for Eco Kids

A Day of Maya History for Eco Kids | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids are learning quite a bit.  Thanks go out to Joe Awe, Chaa Creek's Mayanist and cultural expert.


"The Eco kids along with the camp counselors hiked to the Maya Temple site of Tunichilen where they received an introductory history of the Maya by Joe Awe, Chaa Creek’s Senior Guide and Mayanist.  Joe Awe spoke about the significance of the 13th Baktun in the Maya Long Count and told the kids to not worry about the end of the world because the Maya never said that the world is going to end on December 21st 2012."

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Belize’s Cool Eco-Kids to Help a Warming Planet

Belize’s Cool Eco-Kids to Help a Warming Planet | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Chaa Creek's Eco Kids Summer Camp is getting ready to start.


"While at the camp the children will participate in activities such as hikes to ancient Maya sites where they assist in archaeological excavations, horseback riding along jungle trails through the 365 acre private nature reserve to study the flora and fauna and Maya medicinal plants, song writing and talent show sessions, hands-on sustainable organic farming techniques, and supervised water activities.  During the eight day experience Chaa Creek provides lodging at the Macal River Camp, three healthy meals plus snacks each day, a range of educational events, arts and craft materials, t-shirts, 24 hours camp counsellor supervision, and guided tours with licensed naturalist guides."

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The Beauty Of Nature

The Beauty Of Nature | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Elias Gonzales submitted a touching Eco Kid essay.  It's going to be a great Eco Kids Summer Camp.

"I enjoy the greenery, the fresh air, quietness of the village life so every summer I look forward to go to Camalote when I am on vacation.  I and my abuelito clear the dry leaves around the fruit trees and cut down dry leaves from the plantain trees.  The area becomes clean and the big trees give me shade when I want to rest. I want to learn more about the plants and the country’s beauty and do things to make my mother very proud of me.  She always ask me things that she doesn’t know, I am happy my mother learns from me.  Education is a must and she insists that I do well in my class work.  She works as a housekeeper and from her little earning, she saves and does her best to give us what we need and not what we want.  She teaches me and my brother to thank God all the time as God is first in all we do."

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Children want to learn about the environment

Children want to learn about the environment | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Today's Eco Kid essay.  Well said, Hazel Castillo.  There is just one week left to submit an essay to Chaa Creek for the Eco Kids Summer Camp.

"When we do not work in harmony with nature, all things are thrown out of balance.  Every day we see things that go wrong because man interfered with the balance in nature.  Too much cold or too much heat is only two examples of man’s actions against nature.  We must live in harmony with the earth if we want to avoid self destruction."

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The Eco Kids Rainforest Adventure Continues…

The Eco Kids Rainforest Adventure Continues… | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Chaa Creek's Eco Kids Summer Camp is just 2 months away, and the deadline for entries is June 4th.  24 kids will get free scholarships, and become Eco-Kids.  Get those essays in to have a chance of enjoying a once in a lifetime educational opportunity. 


"Even entering the competition to join this year’s Eco-Kids is a creative exercise.  To be in the draw, Belizean kids eight to 13 years old must write a 300 word essay in English explaining why they want to be an Eco-Kid.  The essays will be judged on creative content, structure and grammar, and the best essays will be entered into a lotto draw where six boys and six girls from each category (Eco Greenies at 8-10 years and Eco Saplings of 11-13 years) will be picked as winners.


All entries must be sent by email to or posted to Chaa Creek, P.O. Box 53, San Ignacio, Cayo by JUNE 4th 2012 and judging will take place on June 14th 2012."

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Belize’s Newest Environmentalists Graduate

Belize’s Newest Environmentalists Graduate | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids of 2012 have graduated!  You are the future, good luck to all, and congratulations!  


"The 24 students all graduated from Chaa Creek’s Eco Kids Summer Camp, an annual eight day event aimed at instilling a sense of 'wonder, understanding and responsibility' of Belize’s world famous natural resources in today’s youth, according to Ms Fleming, who designs and facilitates the programs for the camp...  At the July 29 ceremony, the 24 graduates received a certificate of learning in Biodiversity, The Ancient Maya, Traditional Healing, Land Conservation, Solid Waste Management, Responsible Tourism and Belize Wildlife, and they all signed a pledge to, among other things, 'be a role model in my community, and to be an eco-steward of the earth'."

K.I.R.M. God is Business " From Day One"'s curator insight, June 26, 2018 11:50 AM

The year does not matter but the fact the Youth were offered help and received it and graduated as Environmentalist Graduates.!

Eco Kids Tour Maya Organic Farm

Eco Kids Tour Maya Organic Farm | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids got to tour Chaa Creek's Maya Organic Farm with the owner, Mick Fleming.


"The eco-campers had a chance to tour the operation and recognize many local plants, trees, herbs, and produce.  They were also treated to some live action as we met the sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, heifers, and even the bull.  To top off the farm adventure, the kids had a chance to stick their entire arms into the compost piles, as Mr. Mick explained to them how everything in an organic farm is connected, right down to the animals’ feces!  No wonder they all washed their hands so well before lunch.  An afternoon filled with swimming, canoeing, and lots of fun in the sun has left this blogger’s brain on empty so we will let the pictures tell the rest of the tale."

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Eco Kids Camp First Weekend

Eco Kids Camp First Weekend | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids had a great first weekend.


"Despite their initial fears after being told a butterfly might try and bite their ears, our campers entered the enclosure where they lived and were soon covered in brave insects.  We got to learn about the life cycles of the magnificent creatures and see live examples of them at each stage.  Learning that these beautiful butterflies only lived in their winged form for two or three weeks, one of our campers summed up his surprise and disappointment by saying that he wished he could “ask God to trade my life so that all butterflies could live as long as humans.”  The “awwwwes” from the councilors could be heard for miles!  The afternoon wouldn’t be complete without a swim in the river to cool off after all that walking.  After taking a swim and learning to paddle canoes, the eco-campers headed back to camp to enjoy the nightly dinner, games, songs, and campfire before heading to bed."

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My Top Reasons Why I want to Be an Eco Kid

My Top Reasons Why I want to Be an Eco Kid | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Some 'top reasons' to become an Eco Kid by Vivica Jakeway.  Only a few days left to submit an essay for a scholarship for Chaa Creek's Eco Kid Summer camp.


"I want to be an Eco Kid because I want to make a positive difference in my beautiful country Belize.  I strongly believe that it is young people like myself that will play an instrumental role in the future of Belize and the lessons that will be taught in this camp will lay down the foundation to equip me with the proper knowledge to make the changes.  The three main topics of this year’s camp that caught my attention are the Ancient Maya, Land Conservation and Traditional healing."

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How to Take Action to Help the Environment

How to Take Action to Help the Environment | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Noelle Melendrez  wrote an Eco Kid essay.  There is still a week to send in your essay for Chaa Creek's Eco Kids Summer Camp.

"Everyday you go outside and when you look around your community you see many more things that you can do to help your environment look as clean as you.  I look around my environment and say to myself ‘Had I’ve always been living in this area and not been paying much attention to it’.  In my environment I sometimes see dirty parks, broken swing sets, homeless dogs and a few people asking for food.  But mainly I would like to help the people who are asking for food by getting a group of kids in my area and do a walk-a-ton and fund raise money so that we can get some food for them ."

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Glenn Tillett Jr. submitted this essay to Chaa Creek for the Eco Kids Summer Camp. Great goals!  There is still a week left to submit an essay.


"Every journey starts by taking the first step. My first step is to be an Eco kid! My first mission is to be an eco- warden. I pledge that wherever I go I will pick up litter. I will be a spokesperson in making sure children in my school put litter in its proper place. My wish is that one day I can organize clean -up campaigns in neighborhoods around my town. Land pollution causes a depletion of soil nutrients which prevents grass, flowers and new trees from budding. In turn we have less oxygen to breathe."

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