Epic Belizean Inland Adventures | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Cayo gets some more publicity with 3 extreme inland adventures.  Ultralight flights, cave tubing - misspelled as cave tumbling - and jungle horseback riding are the main focus.  Xunantunich and Chaa Creek get mentioned in the article too.


"One of the most spectacular & accessible Mayan ruins in Belize is Xunantunich.  This architectural wonder is set on a leveled hilltop and is reached by crossing the Mopan River on a hand-cranked ferry.  The ruins are impressive when viewed from the ground but the sheer size and magnificence is not fully comprehended until seen from the sky.  A bird’s eye view from a gliding ultralight is the best way to fully experience the wonder of the ancient Mayan Civilizations.  There’s nothing like reaching a height of 3,000 feet when the pilot turns off the engine, and one gently glides over the ruins in absolute silence."