Environmental Education at the Belize Zoo | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Great article about Ecotourism and the Belize Zoo.  The popular night tour is mentioned, and of course, Junior Buddy is in there.  Environmental education is talked about, as is the uniqueness of the Belize Zoo.


"Environmental education helps to provide awareness and knowledge of the threats that endanger biodiversity.  By utilizing such methods as ecotourism and environmental education, the ability to slow the rate of ecological destruction will happen as awareness increases.  The Belize Zoo is a center for environmental education and animal rescue that serves to help natives and foreigners understand and conserve natural resources...


The Belize Zoo is truly one of a kind.  Being able to learn about all of the native animals in the country was such a contrast to the American zoos, because of the different foreign animals that exist in those zoos in America.  I find it very important to learn about all animals, but especially to know about the animals that live in your own ecosystem. Knowing what native animals live in your ecosystem can help you to better protect areas around you."