Help Monitor Scarlet Macaws with the FCD | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Friends for Conservation and Development are looking for student volunteers to help monitor Scarlet Macaws in the Chiquibul.  You'd get to stay at their base for a week, monitor Scarlet Macaws, hike the Chiquibul, play in the Macal river, and have a great time doing it all.


The Environmental Research Institute has posted about it on their FB page.


"The Chalillo reservoir in the Chiquibul forest is a majestic area due to the occurrence of scarlet macaws that not only gives a colorful sight to the forest but also makes it a magical area to put conservation efforts in place.  I take this opportunity to write you in seeking potential students that may be interested in helping us monitor the new hatchlings in the area.  Our team have identified areas where scarlet macaws have hatched and the aim is now to put a presence in the area on a daily basis."


FCD's site: