The Volcanos of Belize | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Rio On Pools is one of the most beautiful spots in Belize, in Mountain Pine Ridge, one of Cayo's nicest national parks.  Joe Awe wrote about how Rio On Pools were volcanically formed, and how the meteor that hit off the Yucatan coast caused them. If you're on his site, you can also read about why the Maya represent the sun at night with a jaguar.

"Landmasses at one time were under the sea and at other times above the tide.  There is geological evidence that Belize was covered by water at least three times in its history.  The evidence of that is the remains of crustaceans deposits – calcium carbonate (limestone), the soil type which according to geologists, colonises sixty five percent of Belize’s land mass."