San Ignacio Rotary Club's 14th Annual Handing-Over Ceremony | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Rotary Club of San Ignacio had it's 14th annual Handing-over ceremony Saturday evening at the Aguada.  Best of luck to Alfonso Ayala, the SI Rotary's new president!


"40 Rotarians and guests had come to celebrate at the Aguada Hotel in Santa Elena.  2011/2012 president Jana Uhlik highlighted the success of a series of large and small service projects.  With the support of Rotary International and our partner clubs in the United States and Canada, the club could spend more than half a million BZD to support our community, especially in education and health.  She thanked the board and all those who participated and assisted the club before she handed over to the 2012/2013 president Alfonso Ayala."