Q: Can QR Codes Help Easter Egg Hunt Your Brand's Story? [insert code here] A: Yes | BI Revolution | Scoop.it

Jason Boog: "Can QR codes actually help you tell a story? On the Morning Media Menu today, one filmmaker outlined his efforts to promote a mind-bending movie" ...

Marty Note
Wow, what a great idea. Was up late last night comparing game developer tips to ecommere on Magento Ecommerce Revolution ( please be kind it was a very late night LOL http://www.scoop.it/t/magento-ecommerce/p/2212217403/games-and-ecommerce-collide-applying-5-video-game-design-tips-to-ecomm ) and this article about using QR codes to help tell stories adds depth to my thoughts from last night. QR codes create the ultimate Easter Egg Hunt if we are smart enough to build the hunt in.
:). M

Via The Digital Rocking Chair