Make Marketing Easy - 3 Tips To Help Sell Your Digital Content | Digital Marketing Power |

Most of us who are content creators love to write.  And we are pretty good at organizing and layout out content in ways that are useful and helpful to our customers.

But as good as we may be at creating digital content, many of us are weak when it comes to marketing what we’ve created.  It’s just not what we like to do. We create our stuff, we say a little prayer, and hope that the sales roll in.

Need I say that weakness in marketing is a problem if you want to create income from your digital content?  One of my first coaches, Ali Brown, set me straight by saying early on “if you refuse to become just as great at marketing as you are at your craft, your business will fail.  Learn to love it.”  That strong statement made me blink back then.

I’m a good student, and in the years since then I’ve come to realize that half the battle of marketing is building into your product certain components that actually help you to market.  Here are 3 ways to make your marketing easy when you’re ready to launch your digital content into the world: