6 Ways Internal Communications are Costing You Customers | iMediaConnection | Internal Communications Tools | Scoop.it

"In honest efforts to maintain control and efficiency within an organization, many business leaders fail to recognize the direct impact employees and internal culture have on the customer experience. Internal communications – those notices, signs and emails we all receive as employees – are a huge part of that culture.

Have you considered lately how the language you use internally affects the way information is delivered to your customers?"

Read the full article to find out more about these ways your internal communications can set the tone for a poor, or at best, lackluster customer experience:

  1. Your communications avoid the truth
  2. You assume your employees don't understand what's happening
  3. You create negative perceptions by communicating too late
  4. You use patronizing pronouns
  5. You forget to say "please" and "thank you"
  6. You're not proactively watching for distress signals