Ultimate Teachers' Resource: #iPad Apps for Teachers and more  | Into the Driver's Seat | Scoop.it
Nowadays teachers are encouraged to use technology in the classroom given that it brings numerous benefits to both students and professors. On the one hand, by using technology teachers are able to manage their classes much easier, to engage their students with creative materials, to make interactive and interesting lessons and many other things. While on the other side, students will acquire knowledge faster since it is transferred in active and fun manner.  Therefore, one of the best ways to use technology in everyday teaching is to start taking advantage of many perks that iPad offers. It is small, light and easily portable in every occasion. Moreover, with its various useful apps, iPad will help you enhance and enrich teaching and learning experience. For this reason, here is a comprehensive list of different iPad apps for teachers that will improve and facilitate each aspect of your teacher’s life.

Via John Evans