JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Creating an Isomorphic Web Application with ReactJS and Express

In our fast-changing world, technology is rapidly taking giant leaps forward. For the people who are just beginning to take part in this new “gold rush” of web development, it is sometimes inevitable to feel a sense of desperation of not being able to keep up with the evolution. In this article, I will attempt to give a brief overview of one of the most-adored features of Facebook’s Reactframework—isomorphism(a.k.a. server side rendering).

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CoffeeScript: The Good Parts

CoffeeScript: The Good Parts | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
CoffeeScript is controversial to say the least. Many reputable JavaScript and Node.js developers just hate CoffeeScript, but there are lessons we can all learn
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Latte JS

Latte JS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Latte is a superset of JavaScript with lots of useful extensions. Get the power of CoffeeScript, but keep the syntax you know and love.

* Let Statement
* Functions
* Arrays
* Monads

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BackboneORM - A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser

BackboneORM - A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

BackboneORM was designed to provide a consistent, polystore ORM across Node.js and the browser.
It was inspired by other great software and provides:
* Node.js-style callbacks and streams for a familiar asynchronous programming style
* MongoDB-like query language to easily slice-and-dice your data
* a REST controller enabling browser search bar queries and an optional paging format like CouchDB


Other great things:
* it provides a JSON-rendering DSL
* it solves the dreaded Node.js circular dependencies problem for related models
* it is compatible with Knockback.js
* it parses ISO8601 dates automatically
* BackboneMongo provides a CouchDB-like '_rev' versioning solution
* BackboneREST provides authorization middleware hooks and emits REST events

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JavaScript and Friends: CoffeeScript, Dart and TypeScript

JavaScript and Friends: CoffeeScript, Dart and TypeScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article assumes that the reader has a good knowledge of JavaScript and has done at least some development in it, but if this is not about you, you can just first refer to one of the beginner’s JavaScript books like Eloquent JavaScript.

JavaScript is an amazing, often underappreciated and misunderstood language. It has some really powerful concepts like functions as first-class citizens (see, for example, JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language), flexible prototypal inheritance and is a powerful generic programming language that can be used not only in browsers.

Despite all its power and flexibility the language has some well-known design shortcomings such as global variables, cumbersome emulation of lexical scoping, non-intuitive implicit conversions, etc. In fact, there are parts of the language that you better avoid using at all, as it is advised in JavaScript: The Good Parts. Let us also note that from the beginning JavaScript was not specifically designed for developing applications with large code bases and many developers involved.

* Why JavaScript Isn’t Enough?
* Example JavaScript Program: Dijkstra’s Algorithm
* CoffeeScript
* TypeScript
* Dart
* Web Application Development
* ECMAScript 6
* Conclusions

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Monocle - Amazing MVC Applications.

Monocle - Amazing MVC Applications. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.

I can give you a simple and powerful structure to make the most of your web applications. An application consists of three work contexts: Model, View and Controller, developers usually call it the MVC pattern. These three contexts are equally important and each has its full integrity giving responsibility to your application.

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Taking JavaScript Seriously in Grails (AngularJS and CoffeeScript)

Taking JavaScript Seriously in Grails (AngularJS and CoffeeScript) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Whenever I write JavaScript I throw all software craftsmanship discipline out the window. There are no unit tests and very little structure to the code. It's just me and the browser refresh button until we get it right. If you are lucky you may have jQuery to provide a nice CSS selector based api that somewhat shields you from browser quirks. Maybe you even kept your project from devolving to the point where every page is basically its own JavaScript app with no hope of reuse between them. Even then JavaScript is still likely a second class language in your project. Surprisingly, this state of affairs is normal. I want to take my client side scripting just as seriously as any other code in my Grails web app. I want tests, structure, and less boilerplate, and I am going to use AngularJS and CoffeeScript to do that.

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Testing Angular.js

Testing Angular.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

As an Angular.js developer, I want to test my code, so that I can feel reasonably good about it. This sounds like a "User Story" in Scrum but it's more of a developer quest. So in this blog we will look at ways to test our Angular.js code.

Let's see what we need -

We need to write unit tests for our

* Controllers

* Services

* Directives

* Filters

We need to write end-to-end tests so that we can be sure everything is working well together

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Meet TextUml – A Real-time Application Developed with Signalr and Backbone.js

Meet TextUml – A Real-time Application Developed with Signalr and Backbone.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

It is still in very early stage and in terms of features it draws uml sequence diagram from your input and you can share the document with multiple users who can participate in collaborative editing.

Behind the scene TextUml is developed with Backbone.js in CoffeeScript, it uses Require.js for modularization, KineticJS for html5 canvas drawing,  Mocha, Chai and Sinon for client side testing. The server side uses all the latest beta of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI and Signalr. 

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Simple Grails + ExtJS / CoffeeScript Example

Simple Grails + ExtJS / CoffeeScript Example | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I thought it might be worthwhile to create an ExtJS version of the Todo list which uses the same Grails back-end* as Joe’s app. This way, we (and you) can compare and contrast the two approaches. I’m also throwing CoffeeScript into the mix because…well, because I use CoffeeScript for just about everything I do nowadays. 

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Create CoffeeScript using Visual Studio and the Web Essentials Add-On

Create CoffeeScript using Visual Studio and the Web Essentials Add-On | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all those awkward braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is...

Via William delmas
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Replace CoffeeScript with ES6

Replace CoffeeScript with ES6 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

ES6 transpilers are actively being developed and are catching up to CoffeeScript in functionality. This post only covered a handful of the features that ES6 is bringing to JavaScript but you can find out more about what’s been covered and the other features here.

On your next project set CoffeeScript aside and give ES6 a shot!

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The JavaScript Minefield

The JavaScript Minefield | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

How is JavaScript a minefield? Well, JavaScript has all sorts of pitfalls lurking for the developer. Each pitfall is like a mine in the minefield, silently waiting for you to accidentally step on it. Just like the minefield, JavaScript’s mines are hidden in plain sight. Entire books have been written about all the mines present in JavaScript. Maybe I’ll get into what some of those are in future blog posts. Now, if you are going to venture into a minefield, you need a way to avoid stepping on a mine. You need either a safe path through the minefield or a detailed map of all the mine locations.

Douglas Crockford was trying to provide a safe path through the JavaScript minefield when he wrote JavaScript: The Good Parts. He did an admirable job at laying out a subset of the language that was sufficient but avoided many of the mines. However, the problem with any safe path through a minefield is that if you ever stray from the path, it doesn’t help at all.

This article is Part 1 in a 6-Part Series.

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The CARB stack: Coffee + Angular + Rails + Bower

AngularJS is a great way to build modern web apps and this affects Rails programmers. The combination of both is an excellent choice: Build your single-page app in Angular and let it communicate via JSON with your Rails-API backend (btw, this is exactly what we did forpalava). However, you might ask yourself, what the best way to combine Angular and Rails is. Should you use the JavaScript tools world (grunt, yoeman, etc.) or should you prefer the Ruby tools (thor, sprockets)?

Of course, this decision depends on you and your background. For me, the answer is clear: I want to stay in Ruby land. I am familiar with it and it works very well. Why should I throw the tools away for the same functionality, just because they are built in JavaScript? Don’t get me wrong, you should try out yoeman for a new angular project, it is fantastic. But nevertheless.. I like the Ruby stack. The CARB stack.

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Coffeescript vs. Javascript

Coffeescript vs. Javascript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
How to Decide which language for your Project

I’ve worked on large projects in both javascript and coffeescript, and guess what?  You can build an application in either one, and your decision of javascript or coffeescript is not going to make or break you.

If you are working on a project by yourself, then I would pick whichever language you prefer working in.  It’s totally subjective, but you are going to be more productive coding in a language that you like coding in vs. one that you hate coding in.

Now, for the tricky part.  What if you’re working on a team?

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Writing Better JavaScript with CoffeeScript: The Basics

Writing Better JavaScript with CoffeeScript: The Basics | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’m a huge fan of JavaScript. Its popularity has really surged in recent years with the advent of rich internet applications (RIAs), Ajax and web development libraries likejQuery that makes JavaScript more appealing and accessible to a broader audience.

However, that doesn’t mean the language is without its quirks, and often these can come from nowhere to bite you. There’s a long running joke about JavaScript’s good parts compared to its bad parts and how the language has many problems. In this multi-part guide, I’ll present you with a solution to most of these problems:CoffeeScript.


This is the first part a series of articles that introduces you to this wonderful programming language.

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Writing AngularJS controllers with CoffeeScript classes

When I started using AngularJS one of the obstacles I ran into was using CoffeeScript classes to develop the controllers. Most examples show an inline JavaScript function, which I can easily duplicate with CoffeeScript. However, to make use of a CoffeeScript class, I had to play around with it till I figured it out.

In this post I’ll provide a look at converting the simple Todo app on the Angular page to CoffeeScript. I’ll cover the process I went through while figuring this out, which includes:

* A 1:1 JavaScript to CoffeeScript conversion using functions
* Using a CoffeeScript class with all functions defined in the constructor, off of $scope (don’t do this)
* Defining methods on the class instead of on $scope and assigning the class to the $scope (good)
* Using the new Angular 1.1.5+ controller as syntax and an example of CoffeeScript using a class and base class (good)

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AngularJS and CoffeeScript Tutorials

AngularJS is an insanely productive approach to developing rich front-end JavaScript applications. I'm currently writing an interactive book about AngularJS, with versions in both JavaScript and CoffeeScript, and it turns out (no surprise) that CoffeeScript is a great way to develop AngularJS applications.

Here are the top resources I've found so far on AngularJS and CoffeeScript, with publication dates. Things are moving fast with AngularJS and there are a lot of outdated questions and answers on Stack Overflow, so you should always carefully check dates and versions when researching. For example, just a few months ago you couldn't use CoffeeScript classes as AngularJS controllers, but nowadays, as shown in this jsFiddle, you can!

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CoffeeScript Is JavaScript Without The Headaches

CoffeeScript Is JavaScript Without The Headaches | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
I’ve never really liked writing JavaScript all that much. From the day I wrote my first line using it, I’ve always resented that whatever I write in it always ends up looking like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Despite its power and flexibility, JavaScript is by no means a pretty language. It takes verbosity to an extreme and has so many quirks and idiosyncrasies, even the most famous book about the JavaScript programming language nods to its inherent nastiness with its title ‘JavaScript: The Good Parts’.

It doesn’t have to be this way though. JavaScript has a wealth of amazing tools and libraries, and if you use CoffeeScript, you can make brilliant websites and tools without dealing with syntax which makes your corneas bleed. It’s also CoffeeScript’s time to shine, as more and more beginners look to JavaScript for their first language due to its usage in client and back end web development, as well as much of HTML5.

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Angular.js - Sharing data between controllers

Angular.js - Sharing data between controllers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

A lot of times my friends ask me - "How do we share data between controllers in Angular.js?"

Since services in Angular.js are injectable singletons, they seem like a good choice for sharing mutable data. But nothing is worth anything without some code. So here goes...

Geofrey van Hecke's curator insight, July 30, 2013 3:23 AM

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Two gotchas every CoffeeScript and Backbone.js developer should know

Two gotchas every CoffeeScript and Backbone.js developer should know | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

If you’re a Ruby developer working with Rails, at some point you’re going to need to work with JavaScript. While the two languages have many similarities, the fundamental differences in their object models can be quite jarring. CoffeeScript helps to provide a more Ruby-like syntax, but if you’re not careful you can introduce bugs to your code in surprising ways.

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say we have an expensive operation, and need to cache the result.

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