JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Front-end Developer Handbook 2017

Front-end Developer Handbook 2017 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2017.

It is specifically written with the intention of being a professional resource for potential and currently practicing front-end developers to equip themselves with learning materials and development tools. Secondarily, it can be used by managers, CTOs, instructors, and head hunters to gain insights into the practice of front-end development.

The content of the handbook favors web technologies (HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript) and those solutions that are directly built on top of these open technologies. The materials referenced and discussed in the book are either best in class or the current offering to a problem.

The book should not be considered a comprehensive outline of all resources available to a front-end developer. The value of the book is tied up in a terse, focused, and timely curation of just enough categorical information so as not to overwhelm anyone on any one particular subject matter.

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Grommet - User Experience for the Enterprise

Grommet - User Experience for the Enterprise | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The most advanced open source UX framework for enterprise applications.

Grommet is based on ReactJS which provides great features in JavaScript for building user interfaces. You'll also use a JavaScript syntax extension called JSX.

We expect that you have at least a basic understanding on these technologies to be able to master Grommet, in addition to JavaScript of course. In terms of cascading style sheets (css), Grommet provides everything you need to quickly create applications based on the application Style Guide. Under the hood, you'll findInuitCSS and Sass to compile the style sheets. But, don't worry, you are not expected to write a lot of CSS when using Grommet. We've done that for you. But if you would like to contribute, please do so!

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wwwhere | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

wwwhere provides a list of tools and resources for people who make websites. Information found here is the result of a few years of collecting and organizing websites into bookmarks to make my job as a Front End Developer easier.

A lot of effort has gone into selecting, organizing, categorizing and tagging each tool/resource on this site, but there is plenty of room for improvement and I’d love your help to make things better. 

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A frontend JavaScript framework to pair with Node.js

A frontend JavaScript framework to pair with Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Node devs tend to be minimalists, DIY’ers, Lego™ artists, if you will. We want a nice set of tools and pieces at our disposal that we can compose into whatever creation we imagine.

If you’ve bought into Node’s small module paradigm, stuff like Ember, Angular, and even jQuery can feel a bit like excessively large Duplo™ blocks.

To be clear, this doesn’t make them bad. I’m glad they exist. Clearly, they empower scores of developers to create some great things on the frontend.

Of course we think Ampersand modules are a great match for building frontends for our Node applications. But for Ampersand we use the term “framework” very loosely. As demonstrated by how people are using it, it’s really is just a loosely coupled set of tools.

In the end, the only constant in our field is change. We simply cannot, in good conscience, assert that any single toolset (even our own) is the only valid approach. It’s just not how we think development should work.

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A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers: 2015

A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers: 2015 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

It’s been almost three years since I wrote A Baseline for Front-End Developers, probably my most popular post ever.

It’s 2015. I want to write an update, but as I sit down to do just that, I realize a couple of things. One, it’s arguably not fair to call this stuff a “baseline” – if you thought that about the original post, you’ll find it doubly true for this one. One could argue we should consider the good-enough-to-get-a-job skills to be the “baseline.” But there are a whole lot of front-end jobs to choose from, and getting one doesn’t establish much of a baseline. 

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Hybrid UI framework shootout: Ionic vs. vs. F7 vs. OnsenUI

Hybrid UI framework shootout: Ionic vs. vs. F7 vs. OnsenUI | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
JavaScript expert Tal Gleichger compares and contrasts the four most popular UI frameworks for creating hybrid applications - Ionic,, F7, and Onsen.


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Titon - A collection of extensible front-end user interface components for the responsive and mobile web.

Titon - A collection of extensible front-end user interface components for the responsive and mobile web. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
  • Mobile First
  • Responsive Design
  • Semantic Markup
  • Flexible Styles
  • Accelerated Animations
  • Extensible Configuration
  • Scalable Spacing
  • Reusable Code
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Graceful Degradation
  • Stable Codebase
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Planning a Front-end JS Application

Planning a Front-end JS Application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

16 Steps.

1. verify you have a working & stable data API

2. select software management tools

3. create a foundational specification

4. select a software development process

5. select host platform & hosting service

6. select package managers

7. select site & user analytics

8. select code & style enforcement

9. select a task runner

10. select application architecture/structure

11. select testing methodologies & tools

12. select code quality/complexity tools

13. define deployment strategy

14. select package monitoring solution

15. select JS error monitoring solution

16. select performance monitoring solution

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Building High-Quality Front-End Modules

Building High-Quality Front-End Modules | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I developed Rome out of frustration, because I couldn't find a single date picker that had a reasonable API, didn't depend on jQuery, and still had good browser support. Every single component I found had something I disliked, maybe they didn't allow the human to change the date by typing into the input, they had a <select> for the hour, another one for the minutes, and another for the period (AM or PM). If features weren't the issue, their API was wildly incoherent, like the ones you find in jQuery UI components, or the component depended on jQuery.

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Building front-end assets for web development

Building front-end assets for web development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Building, transpiling, or compiling front-end assets, whichever way you want to state it, modern web development is best accomplished using tools like LessCoffeeScriptBrowserifyRequireJs, or any other variant that does or will exist. The difficulty comes in unifying this vast pool of resources to arrive at the most efficient application you can for todays standard web browsers. But, more importantly that they leave the door open for you to migrate to the next powerful tool without significant effort. It is important to note that these technologies are not required to write an efficient application, but they are paramount when developing a maintainable codebase.

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Rivets.js — Lightweight and powerful data binding + templating solution for building modern web applications

Rivets.js — Lightweight and powerful data binding + templating solution for building modern web applications | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Rivets.js is completely agnostic about your model / controller layer and works well with existing libraries that employ an event-driven model such as Backbone.js and Stapes.js. It ships with a built-in adapter for subscribing to plain JS objects using ES5 natives, however this can be replaced with a Watch.JS adapter or an Object.observe adapter.

From the event handlers to the template delimiters, the attribute prefixes to the preloading of data. It's all configurable and tunable at the application level as well as locally to individual views.

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Velocity.js - Accelerated JavaScript animation

Velocity.js: A jQuery library for performant JavaScript animation.

Velocity is a jQuery plugin that re-implements $.animate() to produce significantly greater performance (making Velocity also faster than CSS animation libraries) while including new features to improve animation workflow.

Velocity works everywhere — back to IE8 and Android 2.3. Under the hood, Velocity uses jQuery's $.queue(), and thus interoperates seamlessly with jQuery's $.animate(), $.fade(), and $.delay(). Since Velocity's syntax is identical to $.animate()'s, none of your code needs to change.

Jan Hesse's insight:

technical explanation:

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Introducing Tready.js «

Introducing Tready.js « | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Tready.js is a JavaScript framework, that allows running components in Node.js and the browser.

So we asked ourselves, “Wouldn’t it be nice to implement something once and use it in both environments?”. Luckily Node.js provides a way to run JavaScript on the server. Who knows, otherwise we might have ended up trying to run PHP in the browser.

We like to call this approach “Shared Code”, but it might be better known as “Isomorphic JavaScript”. We certainly weren’t the only ones thinking like this. Nodejitsu wrote about this in 2011 and Airbnb picked it up for their Rendr framework.

But we had more ideas. We wanted to build a modular thing similar to an app store, where you’d be able to choose from a pool of apps to put together a website.

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Design Patterns for Mobile Faceted Search: Part I

Design Patterns for Mobile Faceted Search: Part I | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

On the Web, Amazon’s search supports progressive, faceted search refinement and exploration as one of its primary goals for the search process. As Peter Morville said in his brilliant book, Search Patterns, “Faceted navigation … helps us learn. Search becomes an iterative, interactive experience where what we find changes what we seek.” For example, on the Web, a customer who starts with the keyword query Nike can narrow down the search results by category (Shoes), additional keywords (Nike Air), product type (Cross Training), and size (12).

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Many JS Frameworks but Vue.js Is Different

Many JS Frameworks but Vue.js Is Different | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Nowadays, we have countless Javascript libraries available for us to use. Every once in a while we get a new framework/library for Javascript. I’ve used many Javascript frameworks, but I’ve never seen something as simple and flexible as Vue.js.

You’ll be amazed by how a few lines you need to write to accomplish common tasks in Javascript with Vue.js.

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A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties

A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The Flexbox Layout officially called CSS Flexible Box Layout Module is new layout module in CSS3 made to improve the items align, directions and order in the container even when they are with dynamic or even unknown size. The prime characteristic of the flex container is the ability to modify the width or height of its children to fill the available space in the best possible way on different screen sizes.

Many designers and developers find this flexbox layout easier to use, as positioning of the elements is simpler thus more complex layouts can be achieved with less code, leading to simpler development process. Flexbox layout algorithm is direction based unlike the block or inline layout which are vertically and horizontally based. This flexbox layout should be used for small application components, while new CSS Grid Layout Module is emerging to handle the large scale layouts.

Rather that explaining how the flex properties work, this guide will focus on how the flex properties affect the layout in a visual way.

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Rendering Performance explained by Google

Rendering Performance explained by Google | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Users notice if sites and apps don't run well, so optimizing rendering performance is crucia!

To write performant sites and apps you need to understand how HTML, JavaScript and CSS is handled by the browser, and ensure that the code you write (and the other 3rd party code you include) runs as efficiently as possible.

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Getting Started with Foundation for Apps

Getting Started with Foundation for Apps | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

As much as we all love CSS and Javascript frameworks, like Foundation for Websites, we know that these frameworks were built to be the base of a Website and the Web has changed. Since we have more Apps and fewer Websites being built these frameworks just aren’t enough anymore. They weren’t built to handle full-blown one page apps and so they have their issues when it comes to that.

Then came Foundation for Apps that intends to fill the void we currently have in these frameworks by adding a completely new grid and harvesting the power of Angular to make our job a whole lot easier.

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The problem with Angular

The problem with Angular | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’d say Angular is mostly being used by people from a Java background because its coding style is aimed at them. Unfortunately they aren’t trained to recognise Angular’s performance problems.

I have doubts about Angular 1.x’s suitability for modern web development. If one is uncharitably inclined, one could describe it as a front-end framework by non-front-enders for non-front-enders.

If you want to know why I think all of this I’m afraid you’re going to have to read this long article in its entirety.

Jan Hesse's insight:

follow-up: Angular and templating (why client-side templating is wrong)

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Planning A Front-end JavaScript Application

Planning A Front-end JavaScript Application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Planning a front-end web application is about more than just picking a few JavaScript solutions to aid in the architecture and testing of a web application. While this might be where much of the front-end community focuses, seasoned developers know that building enterprise-grade software is much more than this.

In this article, I am going to describe 16 steps that front-end developers should go through when planning a front-end web application. These steps aim to cover the entire life-cycle of a front-end application. However, before diving in, I need to clarify a few front-end terms that remain unsettled in the industry.

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Node, Grunt, Bower and Yeoman - A Modern web dev's Toolkit

Node, Grunt, Bower and Yeoman - A Modern web dev's Toolkit | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article aims at introducing you to some of the currently most popular tools when developing modern web applications with JavaScript. These are totally not new at all and have been around for a couple of years now. Still, I found many devs still don't use or know about them (as you might), wherefore this article tries to give you a quick, concise intro to get you started.

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Flexbox Based Responsive Equal Height Blocks With JavaScript Fallback

Flexbox Based Responsive Equal Height Blocks With JavaScript Fallback | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Flexbox is an efficient and flexible way to manage probably all types of layouts. It provides almost no time gap between initially wrong and correctly laid out layout look. In JavaScript solution case it takes time to download the document, then to download the corresponding JS file, and, if there are any, download images in the blocks. Flexbox is instant and JavaScript takes seconds. Even so, this JavaScript case is perfect for people who use older browsers that do not support Flexbox.

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Responsive Web Design Tutorial - CSS3 rem unit

Using CSS3 "rem" Units for "Elastic Pixels"

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The State of Hybrid Mobile Development

The State of Hybrid Mobile Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Hybrid development, or the approach of building native apps using Web technologies, has gone through its fair share of highs and lows. But, despite high-profile abandonments from the likes of Facebook and LinkedIn, hybrid development continues to be used by a substantial number of developers.

 Is hybrid as a platform growing or shrinking? Is performance still a limiting factor for hybrid apps? In this article we’ll attempt to answer those questions. We’ll look at where the hybrid ecosystem is today, and where it’s heading.

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9 Minimal Frameworks for Front-End JavaScript Development

9 Minimal Frameworks for Front-End JavaScript Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Imagine for a second the fact that, five years ago, we already had frameworks like jQuery to play with, and while not as functional and feature rich as today – it was already possible to configure and play with the web in hardly imaginable ways.

Today, there are literally hundreds of thousands of frameworks available to anyone who is brave enough to learn something new. Yes, most of them play very tiny role in the collective evolution of web development, but even that tiny contribution counts.

Front-end is not just about HTML & CSS, it involves creativity just as much as it involves writing code in JavaScript, PHP, Python or any other programming language of your choice.

Have a look at my post on the top web programming languages in 2014 – if you’ve been following the trend, it will not be hard to see that most of those languages have held the top spot for over a decade.

I’m sure you know a lot of this stuff already, but it doesn’t hurt to refresh your memory and bask in a little bit of nostalgia from time to time. If you think that I didn’t mention your favorite framework because I hate you: surprisingly, you’d be right!

* AuraJS
* Kraken
* min.js
* Reactive Coffee
* Responsive
* scaleApp
* skelJS
* Spine
* Stapes.js

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