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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Scaffolding AngularJS SPA(s)

Scaffolding AngularJS SPA(s) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

While working on many Web SPA projects, I frequently need to present concepts and rationalizations on SPA scaffolding considerations.

Typical Questions:

  • What client tools should I use ?
  • What is NPM and Bower ? And why should I use both ?
  • How should I structure my code to scale ?
  • Why would I need/want a NodeJS server ?

Slide topics:

  • Full-Stack and development tools such as NPM, Bower, Grunt
  • SPA source code packaging
  • Present a middle-tier, NodeJS app-server solution with custom routing.
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Unit testing with angularjs, grunt, karma, and travisci

Unit testing with angularjs, grunt, karma, and travisci | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

If you’ve done much reading about angularjs you’ve no doubt come across mention of karma, a test runner recommended especially for use with angularjs applications. The angular-seed project is a great way to get started with the basics of angular testing using karma, but for projects of any significant size you will soon hit the cieling in terms of organization complexity. What I want to share in this article is the approach I have taken using Grunt and the grunt-karma plugin to sustainably manage my projects’ client side unit tests and run them via TravisCI.

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How To Unit Test An Angular App.

How To Unit Test An Angular App. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

AngularJS has a great testing story - it’s all based on Dependency Injection, the Karma test runner was written by one of its core developers Vojta Jina and it ships with a variety of mocks like the $httpBackend for unit testing requests to remote services.

What I haven’t been able to find much of are examples showing how to take advantage of these features when testing an application that does more than just expose objects connected via a rest api.

Today we’re going to build a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game writing unit tests along the way.

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Kickstart Your AngularJS Development with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower

Kickstart Your AngularJS Development with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Whether you love or hate it, there’s no denying that AngularJS is the framework on every developer’s lips. It may not be for everybody, but AngularJS has a quirky, efficient and powerful feature set. Couple that with a few useful development tools like Yeoman, Grunt and Bower and you’ve got yourself an incredibly fast rapid prototyping process.


This AngularJS tutorial will cover:

* Generating a bare bones AngularJS app with Yeoman

* Using Grunt to speed up development and help perform repetitive tasks

* Using Bower to add third party plugins/frameworks

* Making minor changes to your AngularJS app

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How to build a large Angular.js application

How to build a large Angular.js application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Angular.js is built from the ground up with testing in mind. In our opinion this makes Angular different from all other frameworks out there. It is the reason we chose it.

This testability is due to the feature set of Angular and the tooling available. Feature wise,dependency injection (DI), modulesdirectivesdata binding, and the internal event loop all work together to create a testable architecture.

Angular maintains its own event loop outside the browser event loop to do dirty checking and make sure data is in sync. It will check all known objects for changes on every loop tick. This is done asynchronously. Because this loop is maintained by Angular, you can flush the queue of any outstanding request or pending change at any time, meaning you can test async code in a synchronous manner.

The test runner Karma, makes testing directives exceptionally easy. It transparently loads your templates as scripts and exposes them as Angular modules. You can use the same concept to package your app for production.

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Mocking a REST backend for your AngularJS / Grunt web application

Mocking a REST backend for your AngularJS / Grunt web application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

or a single-page application, build with a framework such as AngularJS, that gets all it's data from a REST backend this means you should verify your front-end against different responses from your backend. For a small application with primarily GET requests to display data, you might get away with testing against your real (development) backend. But for large and complex applications, you need to mock your backend.

In this post I'll go in to detail how you can solve this by mocking GET requests for an AngularJS web application that's built using Grunt.

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Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge

Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I have taken a challenge wherein I will learn a new technology every day for a month. The challenge started on October 29, 2013. Below is the list of technologies I've started learning and blogging about. After my usual work day, I will spend a couple of hours learning a new technology and one hour writing about it. The goal of this activity is to get familiar with many of the new technologies being used in the developer community. My main focus is on JavaScript and related technologies. I'll also explore other technologies that interest me like Java, for example. I may spend multiple days on the same technology, but I will pick a new topic each time within that technology. Wherever it makes sense, I will try to show how it can work with OpenShift. I am expecting it to be fun and a great learning experience.


October 29, 2013 – Day 1: Bower—Manage Your Client Side Dependencies. The first day talks about Bower and how you can use it.

October 30, 2013 – Day 2: AngularJS—Getting My Head Around AngularJS. This blog talks about how you can get started with AngularJS. It is a very basic blog and talks about how to build a simple bookshop application.

October 31, 2013 – Day 3: Flask—Instant Python Web Development with Python and OpenShift. This blog introduces Flask–a micro framework for doing web development in Python. It also reviews “Instant Flask Web Development” book and port the sample application to OpenShift.

November 1, 2013 – Day 4: PredictionIO—How to A Build Blog Recommender. This blog talks about how you can use PredictionIO to build a blog recommender.

November 2, 2013 — Day 5: GruntJS—Let Someone Else Do My Tedious Repetitive Tasks. This blog talks about how we can let GruntJS perform tedious tasks on our behalf. It also covers how we can use grunt-markdown plugin to convert Markdown to HTML5.

November 3, 2013 — Day 6: Grails–Rapid JVM Web Development with Grails And OpenShift. This blog talks about how we can use Grails to build web application. Then we will deploy the application to OpenShift.

November 4, 2013 – Day 7: GruntJS LiveReload--Take Productivity To Another Level. This blog talks about how we can use GruntJS watch plugin and live reload functionality to achieve extreme productivity.

November 5, 2013 - Day 8: Harp--The Modern Static Web Server. This blog post will discuss the Harp web server and how to install and use it

November 6, 2103 - Day 9: TextBlob--Finding Sentiments in Text

November 7, 2103 - Day 10: PhoneGap--Mobile Development for the Dummies

November 8, 2013 - Day 11: AeroGear Push Server--Push Notifications Made Easy

November 9, 2013 - Day 12: OpenCV--Face Detection for Java Developers

November 10, 2013 - Day 13: DropWizard--The Awesome Java REST Server Stack

November 11, 2013 - Day 14: Stanford NER--How To Setup Your Own Name, Entity, and Recognition Server in the Cloud

November 12, 2013 - Day 15: Meteor--Building a Web App From Scratch in Meteor

November 13, 2013 - Day 16: Goose Extractor--An Article Extractor That Just Works

November 14, 2013 - Day 17: JBoss Forge--Build and Deploy Java EE 6 AngularJS Applications using JBoss Forge and OpenShift

November 15, 2013 - Day 18: BoilerPipe--Article Extraction for Java Developers

November 16, 2013 - Day 19: Ember--The Missing EmberJS Tutorial

November 17, 2013 - Day 20: Stanford CoreNLP--Performing Sentiment Analysis of Twitter using Java

November 18, 2013 - Day 21: Docker--The Missing Tutorial

November 19, 2013 - Day 22: Developing Single Page Applications with Spring, MongoDB, and AngularJS

November 20, 2013 - Day 23: TimelineJS--Build Beautiful Timelines

November 21, 2013 - Day 24: Yeoman Ember--The Missing Tutorial

November 22, 2013 - Day 25: Tornado--Combining Tornado, MongoDB, and AngularJS to Build an App

November 23, 2013 - Day 26: TogetherJS--Let's Code Together

November 24, 2013 - Day 27: Restify--Build Correct REST Web Services in Node.js

November 25, 2013 - Day 28: OpenShift Eclipse Integration for Java Developers

November 26, 2013 - Day 29: Yeoman Chrome Generator--Write Your First Google Chrome Extension

November 27, 2013 - Day 30: Play Framework--A Java Developer Dream Framework

Benjamin Dean's curator insight, November 30, 2013 10:24 AM
I love a good challenge...accepted!!


Docular | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Similar to JSDoc and YUIDoc, Docular provides documentation generation. Docular and the grunt-docular plugin leverage the AngularJS documentation generation implementation.

performs documentation generation based on AngularJS's documentation generation implementation.

Docular will parse, manipulate, and render documentation embedded within yoru script files or within standlone non-script fiels. The documentation can be viewed within a webapp through NodeJS or can be moved to the root of an apache server.

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AngularJS + TypeScript : Workflow

A introductory video on quickly creating AngularJS applications using TypeScript and how you can organize your project. 

This video shows you how you can organize your project so you can rapidly create new Controllers / Directives / Services / Filters with minimum dependency management and file path awareness. 

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Yeoman, Express and AngularJS

Yeoman, Express and AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I already used yeoman for AngularJS applications: now I want to build a NodeJS/Express application powered by AngularJS with all the goodies provided by yeoman.

And... before searching for and trying an existing express-angularjs yeoman generators I'd like to do it by hand, just for fun and for diving into NodeJS/grunt & co.

  • AngularJS setup with yo
  • Express initialization
  • Express integration with AngularJS
  • Fix grunt build
  • Grunt server and livereload

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