JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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Building a Single Page Application with ASP.NET, WebAPI, SignalR and AngularJS

You'll learn how to get started building web applications with AngularJS, how to leverage HTML5 features like local storage and pushState, providing efficient server resources via HTTP and web sockets (sing SignalR), important routing configuration concerns, testing and deployment.

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Using SignalR and knockout.js to push data in real-time to the browser

Using SignalR and knockout.js to push data in real-time to the browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

One of the most exciting developments in web technology of the past year is, in my opinion, the development of cross-browser javascript socket libraries and the addition of web sockets as part of the HTML5 standard. Although push communication has been available for a long time, it was hard to implement, used proprietary technologies and was hindered by performance and scalability problems. But libraries like and services like Pusher have changed this and have made implementing two-way communications on the web very simple. I feel that we are just at the beginning of a new generation of exciting web applications.

For our cloud auction project, we want to use web sockets to send price, availability and product updates from the server to all active clients. It’s important that these updates are synchronized as much as possible, so that every user sees the same price at the same time. We want to avoid users hammering our servers by refreshing the page in their browser, pressing F5 every second. We are starting from our ASP.NET MVC cloud auction website, a standard website based on the MVC Internet Website template. I described several parts of it in other posts in this series.

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Web Application Starter Kit for .NET developers

Web Application Starter Kit for .NET developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This a solution (project) template of a typical single-page web application built on top of the following technologies:

* ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor)
* AngularJS client side framework by Google
* SQL Server database project with SSDT
* Entity Framework 5 with Database First
* Real-time web functionality with SignalR
* Enterprise Library 6.0
* Windows Azure SDK
* NuGet with Package Restore


You can use it to bootstrap your web and cloud app projects and dev environment. The main advantabe of building your app on top of it - is that you'll be able to pull and merge updates at any time in the future by using Git functionality.

The starter kit contains multi-project solution structure, a set of 3rd party libraries, tools and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo, open Source/Application.sln and you are ready to develop and test your application.

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Meet TextUml – A Real-time Application Developed with Signalr and Backbone.js

Meet TextUml – A Real-time Application Developed with Signalr and Backbone.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

It is still in very early stage and in terms of features it draws uml sequence diagram from your input and you can share the document with multiple users who can participate in collaborative editing.

Behind the scene TextUml is developed with Backbone.js in CoffeeScript, it uses Require.js for modularization, KineticJS for html5 canvas drawing,  Mocha, Chai and Sinon for client side testing. The server side uses all the latest beta of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI and Signalr. 

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A sample real-time web application using Ember.js, REST API, and SignalR

A sample real-time web application using Ember.js, REST API, and SignalR | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Ember.js is a powerful JavaScript MVC framework to create complex web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture, it supports UI Bindings, Composed Views, Web Presentation Layers, and plays nicely with others. In order to create a real-time interaction web application, I add a SignalR hub and REST service with ASP.NET MVC.

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Using KnockoutJS with SignalR in ASP.NET MVC

Using KnockoutJS with SignalR in ASP.NET MVC | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

To me these two libraries seem like a match made in heaven. SignalR calling a JavaScript function to alter data, and Knockout automatically updating the UI, awesome!

In this post I’ll show how you can use KnockoutJS and SignalR together to create real-time web application with little effort. I’m going to create a very basic example of a web page showing a list of exchange rates hooked up using KnockoutJS. I’ll then create a server side page to update the data and use SignalR to call a JavaScript function to update the JavaScript model.

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Pushing Data: Integrating with ASP.NET SignalR Hubs / AngularJS

Pushing Data: Integrating with ASP.NET SignalR Hubs / AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In modern applications the end users want to get their data. They want it now, they want it up-to date. In fact it does not matter whether these are pure web application, native desktop installations or mobile apps: everybody wants his data now!

For .NET-minded developers there are a numbers of options to implement near-real-time push style communication from the server/the services to the clients/consumers. You can choose plain HTTP or the super-new WebSockets features available in .NET 4.5 together with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. But the coolest and increasingly popular approach is to use a new framework: ASP.NET SignalR.


Via William delmas
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A smart way to fit SignalR with AngularJS

A smart way to fit SignalR with AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Fine, I hope you all you have more or less knowledge of both and you want to see how they fit together side by side?  
Ok, then you are in right place. We will implement SinglaR hub and then we will implement client hub factory using AngularJS and then we will consume server hub from controller. So, in nutshell, we will take help of AngularJS to create SignalR proxy and to call hub method using the proxy.
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Building a shopping cart with SignalR, ASP.NET Web API and Knockout.js

Building a shopping cart with SignalR, ASP.NET Web API and Knockout.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this tutorial we will go through a process of building a sample shopping cart with real time capabilities. On top of that, we'll also throw in a real time admin order overview.

The technologies used will include:

* Knockout.js - for reactive client side data binding

* ASP.NET Web API - as an API to retrieve data and send orders to the server side

* SignalR - to notify interested parties in changes to the item stock quantities & order status

Since the topic of building a functional e-commerce solution is obviously extremely broad, we will take a few simplifications, which will allow us to focus our attention on the real time aspects of the cart and avoid distractions. We will treat security (user login/logout) and data persistence (we'll just store the data in memory) as out of scope.

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Implementing SignalR Stock Ticker using Angular JS

Implementing SignalR Stock Ticker using Angular JS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In last post, we implemented SignalR part of the stock ticker sample using Angular JS and modified the HTML page to use Angular’s directives. As promised earlier, we will finish the implementation in this post by incorporating UI changes using directives and filters. 

Angular JS is designed with separation of concerns in mind. One of the best architectural features of Angular JS is, it makes it easier to separate HTML and JavaScript separated from each other while playing together at the same time. Features like directives and filters can be used to easily extend Angular’s expressions and behaviour of HTML elements without wasting a lot of time and energy. 

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Realtime Wall Post and Comment Notifications using SignalR and Knockout

Realtime Wall Post and Comment Notifications using SignalR and Knockout | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
implementing real time notifications similar to twitter, stackoverflow..etc using Knockout JS and SignalR.

In this post, we will implement real time notification when any new post or comment is added and display it on notification click using Knockout JS and SignalR. You might think .. Why notification? Why not to display in real time? If we display it in real time, It will irritate users. Suppose you are reading a post middle of the page, suddenly few new posts appear on top then the post you are reading go down and you have to scroll down to find where it is. That’s why in twitter or Stackoverflow,the notification is used when any new post is arrived and you can check them on notification click. We will implement the same thing for both posts and comments.

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Realtime applications for SharePoint with SignalR and knockout.js

As seen at
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David Fowler, Damian Edwards: Under the covers with ASP.NET SignalR

David Fowler, Damian Edwards: Under the covers with ASP.NET SignalR | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The real-time web is here. You’ve seen the demos before; synchronized moving shapes across browsers and Windows apps, but now you want to *really* understand what’s going on behind the curtain. What better way than to watch one of the SignalR co-creators build a SignalR-like framework from scratch on stage. Knowing how it works will help you use it better and might just prevent you making mistakes based on incorrect assumptions. Know your tools and learn the magic behind SignalR.

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Using SignalR and ASP.NET MVC’s Hot Towel SPA template to create an Online Collaboration application

Using SignalR and ASP.NET MVC’s Hot Towel SPA template to create an Online Collaboration application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A mashup demonstrating simultaneous editing of a Data element in a ASP.NET MVC 4 app using Hot Towel SPA template, SignalR and the Diff-Match-Patch JavaScript library.
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