Simple Signup and Login with Firebase and Knockoutjs | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up an effective registration and authentication process for your web app using Firebase, knockoutjs and Twitter Bootstrap.... and..... that's it. No backend mysql database, apache web server, ubuntu linux or ruby scripting is required. You just need to know javascript. You don't even need to know nodejs, npm or requirejs. There really is no back end and it is simple to build.

Knockout uses a MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern. We are starting with the view which is the body of the index.html file. This is quite straight forward. Twitter Bootstrap is called in through the class attribute of our input and div tags to make our page look nice. Knockout is called in through the data-bind attribute of our input tags and buttons. When the user keys in her user name and password, we want this data to go into application memory (the Model of MVC) and then on to the Firebase servers. Our View gives is the basic entry points that are required.

The View Model is the magic wiring between the View and application memory. We need to wire 3 things to start with ...