RTL Today - George Hatzidakis: Electric scooters, skateboards and unicycles are the transport “Axis of Evil” of Luxembourg roads | #Mobility #Laws #EU #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it
If we can’t ban them, then they must be regulated, and soon, before it’s too late.

I recently sat and passed my test for a Luxembourg driving license, as I didn’t have a current EU one. So after more than three decades on the roads in cars, trucks motorbikes and cycles, I found myself looking at the road through a newbie’s perspective. And what I saw was terrifying!

Not only do most people not understand the basics (Roundabouts people!), but there are a lot of grey areas that will only cause more and more problems in time. It’s bad enough that the bicycle mafia have taken over and everything is manoeuvred to sate their growing lust for power, but electric scooters, skateboards and unicycles have seen the loopholes and are attempting to widen them into a Fury Route Apocalypse.

Are Daydreams Electric?
I get it, you’re hip, cool and care more about the environment than anyone else. You daydream about a new, clean and efficient way to travel. But that doesn’t mean you get to make things up as you go along.

Are you a vehicle? Stay on the road and follow road rules. Are you a pedestrian? No? Then why are you on the sidewalk? Are you both? None of the above? Do you think you’re safer than cars? Then why do you zoom behind busses then jump kerbs only to roll through grass, skimming past elderly couples, children and mothers with prams to cut 1 minute off your travel time?

Do they think the rules don’t apply to them? Well, in part, no they don’t.


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