Viaduc Bike Counter Records 200k Bicycles; 2017 Traffic up 13.7% | #LuxembourgCity #Luxembourg #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
On Monday 20 November 2017, the Bike Counter installed at the Viaduc bbridge in Luxembourg city registered the 200,000th bicycles crossing for the year 2017.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Bike Counter at this strategic location that the threshold of 200,000 bike passes has been exceeded in one year.

As the number of bike passes at the Viaduc is constantly increasing, it can also be seen that the rate is significantly higher during the week (Monday-Friday) than at the week-ends (Saturday-Sunday) and that the daily peaks are at peak hours, respectively in the morning and late afternoon.

In general, the figures collected at the various Bike Counters across the city show a growth in bicycle traffic of 13.73% in 2017 compared to 2016.


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