Love Power Reading eBook Download PDF | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Love Power Reading ebook download in pdf format. So recently I just got out of a horribly abusive relationship where I was constantly manipulated into feeling like she was the only one that cared about me, my opinion meant nothing, and my feelings were put to the side for her demanding needs. It was so bad I cannot tell you how many times I just wanted to end my life. Eventually, because of her demands, I was put on anti-depressants, which did nothing. Eventually she just randomly decided to end the relationship after telling me how she wanted to marry me and then proceeded to tell me that my suicidal actions were all fake in order to hurt her. After that, I tried talking to her and she called the cops on me. The last time I saw her I let her know how she had made me feel like she actually cared again, only to find out an hour later through text (because she only texted me) that she absolutely hates everything about me. I haven't talked to her since (and this was a good 5 months ago) but I just don't know what to do at this point, I've lost most of my friends because they only listened to her and I just don't feel safe at my university because she still attends here too and I live in constant fear that cops will show up again because she decided I "did" something to her. I just can't help but feel alone at this university again...