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Lover Mastery by Alessandro PDF Ebook Download Free

Lover Mastery by Alessandro PDF Ebook Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Lover Mastery by Alessandro PDF ebook download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook! A few days ago a boy asked me a question, “are you ready to date?” I answered, “I don’t know.” Because I honestly don’t know. He wasn’t asking, “are you ready to date me?” He was simply asking if I was ready to date in general. After my initial, “I don’t know,” I continued by saying that I don’t feel completely ready to date but I think that that is because if I am not ready to date, or labeling myself as not ready to date and I am not in a relationship then it is my choice, my decision, my way of protecting myself from something I’m not ready for. However, if I am ready to date and yet I’m still not dating it’s because there is something wrong with me. 

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Scooped by Marie Hunt

Lover Mastery From Pickup Girls To Give Them Incredible Sex Free Download PDF Files & Videos

Lover Mastery From Pickup Girls To Give Them Incredible Sex Free Download PDF Files & Videos | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Lover Mastery - From Pickup Girls To Give Them Incredible Sex risk free download (PDF Files & Videos). I’m going to cut my foot off to stop my fucking socks from pulling the hair on it, I’m so tired of it. Any way, a girl gave me the “let’s just be friends” tonight, inconveniently after I paid for our date. Whatever, fine. It’s just money that I have a very small amount of with no more coming in. I can still afford for a few more girls to say “sure” to a date and then just totally reject me afterward. Yeah, I’m salty. I can tell she knew she didn’t want to date me beforehand, she should have just said no. It’s not like it was a bad date, it was just doomed from the fucking start. I was fucking agonizing over what to mark the dinner and movie down as in my transaction record. I almost just wrote “stupid mistake”. Yes, I keep a transaction record. I don’t trust banks any more than I trust women. I’m kidding, calm the fuck down, it was a sexist joke. So fine, we’ll be friends. Meaning we’re absolutely never talking again, and that’s fine. Because it would have been a shit relationship anyway. We like a lot of the same things, but we’ve got totally incompatible personalities. And I knew that when I asked her out. I’m just 25 years old, I feel like I’m fucking getting old, and I don’t want to die alone. You don’t have to tell me that’s a retarded reason to get into a relationship, I know it is. I would have tried my best, but jesus christ I know it wouldn’t have been a good time. For either of us. Probably worse for me though, because I’m pretty great. I’m just lonely. I’m a lonely 25 year old man. When I was 20, and apparently smarter, I always used to say that loneliness was a stupid reason to pursue relationships. I was also rolling in girls when I was 20, so maybe 20-year-old me should just go fuck himself, because he doesn’t know what it’s like to be alone at night, with only your regrets to keep you company. I don’t even care about sex anymore. I haven’t even had an erection in a week. Maybe it’s just all the vodka and klonopin I’ve been pouring down my throat. Giving up porn was definitely a positive thing, but maybe becoming a heavier drinker wasn’t a great substitute. I guess it’s probably better to be alone and miserable than with another person and miserable. I’m at least not so selfish that I can’t recognize that. Hey, I still have 5 years before all women allegedly turn into irreparable psychopaths, right? That’s such a popular belief I can’t believe it’s not true and I refuse to find out for myself. If I’m not married before I’m 30, I’m committing suicide and no-one can stop me. I’ll just wait for a girl that’s right for me. I’ve been lucky enough to have them before, and fucked each relationship up spectacularly. It’s amazing thinking about all the girls who were willing to start families with you, and you just like, pull off a mask, and say “surprise, I’m actually a lazy, piece of shit asshole who’s tired of you because I can look at more attractive women on the internet!” god willing, my love-life isn’t as dead as it feels and the next shot I’m given, I’ll be the best man I can for her. Something I should have been doing years ago instead of waiting for them to leave my house so I could jerk off in peace. Click Here to download Lover Mastery. Thanks!

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