Six Degree Flow Fitness Program PDF & Videos Free Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Scott Sonnon's Six Degree Flow fitness program PDF & Videos risk free download. When I found this opportunity I was skeptical- I thought the only way to loose weight was to go to the gym and to cut calories (or food groups completely). I believed “protein shakes” were a gimmick but yep, I gave them a whirl a time or two as well. We are conditioned to believe certain things about health and fitness and since yesterday was my anniversary I remember putting all my eggs in that “health and fitness” basket and ran and ran with it!!! I lost weight for my wedding for sure but when I look back I know I was exhausted, hungry and never satisfied. You know what else? As soon as I went back to eating normally and not spending 1 to 2 hours a day in the gym- I gained the weight back. This hamster was back in the wheel spinning and look for the next best “health and fitness” plan. Today I look at this journey so differently- I THINK about what my goals are and I put a plan in motion with three basic non-negotiable: meal plan, 30-40 minute workouts. I THINK about creating recipes that my husband and I can enjoy together incorporating healthy nutritious foods but not omitting any particular food group (the right types of fats and carbs are good for your OMG!). I THINK about finding a 30 minute window of time that doesn’t completely disrupt my day and press play at home. I THINK about making sure that I get all the nutrients and veggies my body needs by drinking my cocktail. It simply works. For the busy parent, the career person, the former athlete, the previously injured person, the first time fitness person, the over 45er (like myself), 55er, 65er person- I truly believe your health and fitness should fit into your life- not the other way around. So if you are struggling with getting to the gym or staying on track eating wise or bored and sick and tired of spinning in that hamster wheel- what is holding you back from something that could create lasting change and an absolutely maintainable lifestyle?  Do you think I will say “I told you so”? Well… I might…. but only because I was certainly in your shoes almost two years ago.People will ask when are you “stopping this program” and I always respond- NEVER because guess what- I enjoy my workouts, Six Degree Flow and once in a while I go off track but with the tools and habits I have created I have not gained any weight back. This is my lifestyle now. Change your thinking and find your results!