Social Media Manager vs. Online Community Manager: Same or Different? | Social Media Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
One recent morning I saw a post in one of my LinkedIN groups asking "what is the difference between a social media manager and an online community manager?" Easy, I thought, and offered a quick response on my mobile ...


"Social media managers bring the guests (clients, prospects) to the table and community managers welcome them in!"


Ahh, but wait. This may require more words than I can manage on that little screen. So, naturally, I turned to trusty Google to see what others have said on this topic....


These distinctions are especially visible in the success measures for each role - the key performance indicators. Of course, both roles may share responsibility for a number success metrics and will need to partner effectively to deliver results. Here is a short tabulation of key B2B success measures, the role involved and the organizational accountability path....


[Thoughtful look at social media manager vs online community roles by Vanessa DiMauro - JD]