Marketing: Digital, CPG, B2B
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What are the most misunderstood site design and layout techniques that could be killing your website?!
Marteq's curator insight, February 18, 2015 7:24 PM

Why anyone would be "not mobile friendly" is beyond me. Completely agree with the notion of Parallax: try to avoid.

Halina Ostańkowicz-Bazan's curator insight, February 19, 2015 9:42 AM

I have just messed up my blog. I didn't know that;

If you have a Wordpress site most themes today are responsive; if yours is not, find one that is and switch to that. (A lot easier than trying to make a no-responsive WP site work properly) If you have a site that is built outside Wordpress, find someone who is an expert in coding responsive sites and get going. There is no workaround for this anymore as m. sites are not long for the Google Search results

Google communication was clear and transparent in 2014 but some algorithm updates were devastating to some websites, what can we expect in SEO in 2015?
Gina Tucker:

What's going to change in SEO this year?!
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I recently did an inventory of all the internet marketing tools I’ve used over years for my recent Kindle resource, 99 SEO Tools for 99 Cents.!
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Here are the three SEO basics all content marketers must get their heads around:


1. Key Terms

a) Using the key term in the title- The title of your piece will often get used as the title tag for the page your website is hosted on. The title tag significantly influences the ranking potential for a web page and, as such, it needs to contain the key term you’re targeting. To make it easier, when you’re devising the titles of your blog pieces or content, you should try and put the key term in the title.

b) Using key terms in the copy- For modern SEO, it’s important to ensure that you’re using the key terms you want to target in the copy of your content, but it’s not as complicated as it used to be. By analysing data and the way people use Google, it could learn that “ marketing software” and “marketing system” were the same thing. They could display results for both of the key terms and produce a better results page for the user.

2. Copy Length-  The key take away for content marketers when it comes to Panda is that it actively seeks out to penalise sites who have a low word count on their pages.

Make sure your content is a minimum of 600 words. It really is as simple as that.


3. Link Building-  Techniques such as including “Tweet this quote” buttons in blogs allow you to encourage people to share your content and increase the likelihood that people will see it and link to it - simple to implement but with huge potential for making an impact.



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Marteq's curator insight, November 12, 2014 7:33 PM

Minimum may be 600, but the ideal length is 975. These are the basics: learn it, know it, live it.

sapponmedi's curator insight, February 18, 2021 1:20 AM
If you are in the field of internet business marketing, you are well aware of the word SEO (Search E...
Gina Tucker:

Whether you're curating content or creating original content, these tips and tricks can help you highlight that content on search engines. For instance, if you are using curation, make sure to include something original on each post you curate (such as a comment,insight, etc.)!
Peter Azzopardi's curator insight, November 11, 2014 11:43 AM

For writings SEO Optimized articles you should be well aware of the density and placement of your keywords.


Thanks to @Usman Chaudhary for the scoop.

SEO is the process of making your web site more accessible to search engines. Google's algorithmic updates the last 3-5 years ("panda" "penguin" "hummingbird") have reshaped the SEO marketing landscape permanently.
Gina Tucker:

The SEO Process includes 7 steps. 

1) Research and Analysis

2) Keyword Opportunities

3) Coding and Implementation

4) Copywriting and Implementation

5) Speed & Site Performance

6) Marketing & Link Building

7) Rankings Report & Tracing. 

Content marketing is essential to building great SEO. Consumer facing brands need to keep their social networks and blog updated on a regular basis. Some common problems include producing engaging content, enough content, the budget for a content strategy, the lack of executive support, and creating a variety of content. There are tools that can help (like!!
Arafat's comment, October 17, 2014 12:48 AM
Thanks for share.
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, October 17, 2014 12:08 PM

It's been a while now that SEO experts such as Lee Odden or Rand Fishkin have commented on the algorithm changes of Google that completely changed SEO from an obscure technical back linking technique to a much more human ability to produce content humans enjoy and like to share. 

This post gives a number of actionable tips on how to implement a successful SEO strategy in 2014. 

But beyond the list of tips, SEO today boils down mostly to publishing content that your targeted audience will enjoy: because it educates, it entertains them, it informs them, etc...

And therefore the key to success is being consistent which - as the above chart shows - is the main challenge today: producing a constant stream of high quality content is not just tough, it's impossible. Even major media groups have given up on this as they got beaten by the Huffington Post (which this post is interestingly from), BuzzFeed and Upworthy. Mixing your own content with curated content however does not only makes this possible but also makes your entire site and publishing efforts more credible

Ken Dickens's curator insight, October 20, 2014 3:37 PM

Standard On-Page SEO Practices still apply because this is the entry point for Google to know what a page is about and index it correctly.  But, creating great content is what it is all about.  -Ken

Social signals are influencing SEO Rank. 7 out of top 8 SEO Ranking factors today are social in nature. Marketers using back-links and keyword optimization to drive SEO are still not aware of the full potential of social for their SEO needs.

To help marketers unlock this latent power of social, ShopSocially and conducted a webinar to showcase proven strategies to boost SEO Rank using social signals. Below is the recording of the webinar and the presentation used....!
LawRank's curator insight, July 18, 2014 11:53 AM

Great info.  Thanks for posting.

Siva Net's curator insight, July 18, 2014 1:27 PM

Dryer,Pully rope cloth Dryer,Ceiling Mounted cloth dryer,and Pondicherry- Ceiling clothes dryer,Pull and dry,Up and Down Dry,Rope pullying cloth Cuddalore,Thindivanam,Villupuram 9788538851 - Pondicherry

Future Win Associates introducing Rope pulling clothes Drying System Short on space? Hang your clothes from the ceiling..Suits good in Balcony, Service area, Passage

 Future Win Associates Clothes lines ceiling mounted dryer is able to conveniently hang your clothes in areas where you do not have floor space.

The clotheslines are made of Quality Aluminum pipes,

Which mean that the rusting or oxidation of pipes does not occur quickly like mild steel,

thus it is even stronger and more durable! Each individual

Aluminum steel pipe is raised and lowered by a Plastic cord, for easy hanging separately as needed.

The neat compact design allows it to be installed in many different areas like passage, bedroom, bathroom, or in balconies.

Available in 4to 9 feet lengths.

1)Branded System with Warranty.

2)Each rod can be roller separately.

 3)Perfect for Apartment Balconies ,Service areas& passages,

4)Easily removable and Re- Installable

5)Made of Super grade quality Aluminum Tubes with rust proof

6)Allows you to enjoy the view from your balcony.

7)Prevent fading your branded clothes from sunlight and dust & Rain

StrutturaFine | pl's curator insight, July 19, 2014 6:11 PM

Anche se Google afferma di non considerare i Social come fattori diretti di ranking, ci sono effetti indiretti rilevanti

Scoop it Creator

Gina Tucker