Tarquinia's Etruscan gems in the Necropolis of Monterozzi | Visiting The Past | Scoop.it

I was eager to visit and explore the Etruscan Necropolis of Monterozzi at Tarquinia, in Northern Lazio, after reading about the painted burial chambers that are preserved here. I caught the local bus from Tarquinia train station into the centre, and then it was not too far to walk to the necropolis on the outskirts of town.

The most impressive frescoes for me were found in the Tomb of the Leopards. The main strip of mural depicts a lavish banqueting scene in honour of the dead, including several couples tended by two young boys. The men have darker skin while the women are lighter. The side walls of the burial chamber are painted with people bringing dishes, playing instruments and dancing among pretty foliage. Although the drawing is quite simple, it is amazing to see such strong colours bursting out of a fresco that dates back to around 450 BC. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini