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Canada. The Future of Higher Education in Canada:15 Challenging Issues

Canada. The Future of Higher Education in Canada:15 Challenging Issues | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
In this series of posts for teachonline, we explore the possible, probable and preferred futures of higher education in Canada. In this post we examine the key issues that must be addressed, focusing attention on the need for a comprehensive rethink of the eco-system. Just dealing with one issue (such as funding or curricula) without dealing with the others would have unintended consequences for any institution. Colleges, universities and Indigenous institutes are actively exploring options and are beginning to address these complex, important issues.

These 15 challenges will shape the future of higher education in Canada:

Indigenization – There are three issues at play here. 
What higher education can do to promote and embed the idea that we are all treaty people (Truth and Reconciliation)
How more Indigenous learners can succeed in higher education (there is a strong link between these issues and that of decolonialization of the curriculum)
Whether established, dedicated Indigenous institutions are adequately supported and enabled to thrive 
Funding and support for teaching and learning and assessment – Without a change in funding and support for teaching, learning and assessment, the work of colleges and universities is fiscally unsustainable. Many institutions are currently vulnerable to modest reductions in the enrolment of international students. This may require a rethink at a fundamental level of funding models and shared services.
Precarity of the instructor class – The number of tenured and tenure-track (university) or permanent instructor (college) positions has been steadily declining. About 60% of all teaching in higher education in Canada is undertaken by sessional instructors (gig workers) and that number is rising. This links to issues of quality and training as well as to the underfunding of Canada’s higher education system. The situation is similar for non-academic staff at our institutions.
Growing demand raises issues of capacity – It’s uncertain how each province will cope with a significant increase in demand from domestic students between now and 2028. 
Adding new institutions – If new institutions are created, it’s unclear what the implicit design for learning assumptions will be.
Growth funding for existing institutions – If growth funding occurs, it’ll be vital to figure out the design for learning assumptions and how sustainable the funding will be. Some of the smaller institutions, often located in rural or northern communities, would benefit from investment and growth if this funding was sustainable — otherwise, growth may make them more vulnerable.
The role of the private sector (both private colleges and private universities) – Peering into the future means exploring what kind of public-private partnerships might be created.
The role of hybrid and online and distance learning in designs for growth – It is yet to be determined whether growth will be based on a significant expansion of hybrid and online and distance learning or on expanding classroom-based learning.
The role of AI in the expansion of access – It’s possible that some jurisdictions may experiment with an AI-based institution offering courses and programs leading to certificates, Red Seal certification, diplomas and/or degrees.
Purpose and plans – Governments have been shifting the purpose and focus of the work of colleges, Indigenous institutes and universities toward meeting labour market pressures and demands. Although some modest impact can be seen in very specific areas, the skills gap is now worse than it was when this pressure began, which may add new purpose and pressures on higher education.
Work-integrated learning – 40% of university students and 60% of college students in Canada currently undertake work-integrated learning in some form during their studies. How this develops and grows is vital.
New curricula – Given the changes taking place in the nature of work, the deployment of technology and new fields of work (e.g., new forms of construction, new approaches to health through genetics) institutions face new curricular challenges. What’s unclear is whether new programs of study will displace existing ones, and how fast institutions can respond to emerging opportunities given declining funding and increasing government control.
Lack of faculty development and professional learning – As became clear in the pandemic, faculty skills in instructional design, reimagining assessment and the effective design of engaged and authentic learning need upgrading. 
Imagineering and innovation – In highly unionized environments, an important consideration is how creative institutions and leadership can be. It’s also important to examine how much appetite exists for significant change.
Risk management – Willingness to take risks and preparedness for adverse events (e.g., forest fires, floods, natural disasters) are vital considerations for leaders and institutions. 
In responding to these issues, institutions will need to refocus their purpose, core activities, business processes and relationships within and beyond their communities. It is a challenging task but an important one. 

Tools and Trends
Insights Into the Future and Promise of Online Learning

Via Canadian Vocational Association / Association canadienne de la formation professionnelle
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Making space for creativity is a practical challenge but one that has intense value for educators

Making space for creativity is a practical challenge but one that has intense value for educators | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

"Adobe Education’s Mark Andrews reflects on insight from educators on what supports their creativity..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

Educación 6.0 (2050)

Educación 6.0 (2050) | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

La Educación 6.0, conceptualizada por Juan Domingo Farnós, representa una vanguardia en la pedagogía contemporánea, caracterizada por la integración sinérgica de tecnologías emergentes como la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI), la realidad aumentada, los hologramas y los principios de la física cuántica en los procesos educativos. Este paradigma metodológico promueve una personalización del aprendizaje sin precedentes, ajustándose meticulosamente a las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante mediante algoritmos adaptativos y análisis de big data, potenciados por capacidades cuánticas.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Education 2.0 & 3.0

AI And Jobs: The Good And Bad News

AI And Jobs: The Good And Bad News | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Explore AI's transformative impact on the workforce and how AI could transform mundane jobs. Consider the challenges of transitioning to a more automated future.

Via Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by juandoming from gpmt

Utiliser l'IA en classe pour recommander des exercices aux élèves : quel intérêt, quels biais ?

Utiliser l'IA en classe pour recommander des exercices aux élèves : quel intérêt, quels biais ? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Les IA destinées aux élèves visent principalement à personnaliser des cours déjà structurés. Tiennent-elles leur promesse de s'adapter au rythme de chacun ? Qu'en sait d'ores et déjà la recherche ?
Via Sandrine Decamps, Elena Pérez, michel verstrepen
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Investigamos el poder de la tecnología donde la metacognición, la neurociencia, y las sinergias y sinapsis, tanto algorítmicas como neuronales, son la base del desarrollo y del aprendizaje (Educac...

Investigamos el poder de la tecnología donde la metacognición, la neurociencia, y las sinergias y sinapsis, tanto algorítmicas como neuronales, son la base del desarrollo y del aprendizaje (Educac... | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós Para establecer un escenario educativo que se integre plenamente en la Educación 5.0 de Juan Domingo Farnós y que incorpore elementos de educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial (IA), es crucial diseñar un entorno innovador basado en la metacognición, la neurociencia, y las sinergias y sinapsis tanto algorítmicas como neuronales. Las sinergias…
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Maybe too many people go to university

Maybe too many people go to university | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
How many people should go to university? Paul Wiltshire argues that we need a proper debate about student numbers

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Proceso de aprendizaje y entrenamiento del cerebro: (iteración y soporte de la Educación disruptiva & IA)-II –

Proceso de aprendizaje y entrenamiento del cerebro: (iteración y soporte de la Educación disruptiva & IA)-II – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
(( Los científicos desarrollamos algoritmos de aprendizaje automático basado en redes neuronales artificiales para aprender y generalizar conocimientos matemáticos complejos de manera más rápida y eficiente que los humanos)) Juan Domingo Farnós Entrenamiento y aprendizaje del cerebro: Si queremos llegar a un aprendizaje que no hemos obtenido nunca, a una nueva habilidad no dependerá tanto…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.Work

Qué es el Metaverso Empresarial

Qué es el Metaverso Empresarial | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

El metaverso empresarial está formado por las plataformas de metaverso y sus aplicaciones que desbloquean nuevas oportunidades para las empresas. Combina las diversas tecnologías utilizadas en entornos de metaverso, desde la realidad extendida y la IA hasta el IoT, para ayudar a las empresas a lograr una variedad de objetivos.

Las empresas pueden crear sus propios ecosistemas de metaverso, diseñados para todo, desde la colaboración inmersiva y el trabajo remoto, hasta el desarrollo de productos y la ingeniería. En comparación con el metaverso de consumo, el metaverso empresarial aún se encuentra en sus primeras etapas. Sin embargo, muchos proveedores líderes en el mercado están comenzando a reconocer las oportunidades en este paisaje.

Via Edumorfosis
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E-learning : faut-il privilégier le synchrone ou l'asynchrone ?

E-learning : faut-il privilégier le synchrone ou l'asynchrone ? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Contrairement à la formation en présentiel, l’e-learning offre une formidable opportunité : animer ses modules en temps réel ou en décalé. Autrement dit,

Via Doc-Ifsi-Narbonne
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EDUCACIÓN-6.0. 2050 –

EDUCACIÓN-6.0. 2050 – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós Educación 6.0, la de la AGI, la de la física cuántica, la de los hologramas, la de los asistentes virtuales-inteligentes, donde universidades y escuelas han desaparecido y la socialización se entiende con la convivencia de personas y máquinas. La Educación 6.0, conceptualizada por Juan Domingo Farnós, representa una vanguardia en la pedagogía…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

The Symmetrical Power of AI in Assessments

The Symmetrical Power of AI in Assessments | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Large language models (LLMs) make it possible for faculty to rapidly create a wide range of formative and summative assessments for their students. And, as we hear about so often, students can also use LLMs to write their essays and complete other assignments.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, May 29, 8:45 AM

"[W]hen faculty use AI to create assignments, it’s a 'productivity gain.' But when students use AI to complete assignments, it’s 'cheating.'”

Rescooped by juandoming from APPRENDRE À L'ÈRE NUMÉRIQUE

Concepts pédagogiques #21 - l'alignement pédagogique

Concepts pédagogiques #21 - l'alignement pédagogique | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
L’alignement pédagogique est un principe de conception de formation proposée par le pédagogue australien John B.Biggs dans son ouvrage “Teaching for Quality Learning at University“, publié en 1996.S’inscrivant dans le courant constructiviste, son ambition était de proposer un modèle pour concevoir...

Via CIPE AMU, Bhushan Thapliyal
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Rescooped by juandoming from AI up: Artificial Intelligence in Education

Do Students Want AI Writing Feedback? - by Mike Kentz

Do Students Want AI Writing Feedback? - by Mike Kentz | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Developing AI writing tools that offer a class dashboard for real-time insight into students' struggles could dramatically transform the teaching of writing. Currently, monitoring student interactions with AI is cumbersome and limits project execution.

Via Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin's curator insight, May 29, 6:37 AM
Small teacher test suggests AI writing feedback is OK for product, less good for process. Students welcomed both, but preferred personalised teacher feedback
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Diseñamos una nueva empresa y trabajo en el paradigma de la Educación disruptiva & IA en el S XXI-I –

Diseñamos una nueva empresa y trabajo en el paradigma de la Educación disruptiva & IA en el S XXI-I – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós En el contexto del siglo XXI, la convergencia entre la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha generado un nuevo paradigma que redefine la forma en que concebimos la empresa y el trabajo. En nuestra empresa, nos comprometemos a abrazar este cambio transformador, aprovechando las tecnologías emergentes y los enfoques innovadores…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Education 2.0 & 3.0

How Pedagogy Can Catch Up to Artificial Intelligence

How Pedagogy Can Catch Up to Artificial Intelligence | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Educators need to start considering how AI's capabilities should change what students learn, experts say.

Via Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

Jóvenes y tecnología: Entre lo físico y lo digital, la realidad 'figital'

Jóvenes y tecnología: Entre lo físico y lo digital, la realidad 'figital' | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

No cabe hablar del “mundo físico” como oposición al “mundo digital”. Entre los jóvenes de 14 y 19 años, la separación entre los espacios digitales y físicos se desvanece: el móvil es un espacio de vivencia y cultura, con sus propios códigos y significados. Que hay que entender, pero no desde la visión del adulto, sino intentando entender a los jóvenes.

Para ellos, la realidad no es ni digital, ni física: es una, y está conectada. Es una realidad “figital”. Y para existir en el entorno físico, necesitan hacerlo también en el digital.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Learning & Technology News

Artificial Intelligence and Education: A Reading List

Artificial Intelligence and Education: A Reading List | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
A bibliography to help educators prepare students and themselves for a future shaped by AI—with all its opportunities and drawbacks.

Via Nik Peachey
donaldo's curator insight, June 2, 10:19 PM
Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar: The Ultimate Chocolate Experience

Introduction to Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar

Welcome to the world of Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar, where indulgence meets innovation. This chocolate bar is not just a treat for your taste buds but also a journey into a realm of exquisite flavors and premium ingredients. Crafted with the utmost care, Magic Kingdom's Magic Blend promises a luxurious and unforgettable chocolate experience.

What Makes Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar Special?

The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar stands out in the crowded chocolate market for several reasons:

  1. Premium Ingredients: Every bar is made from the finest cocoa beans, sourced from sustainable farms. The commitment to quality ensures a rich and authentic chocolate flavor.
  2. Unique Blend: The Magic Blend combines various cocoa percentages and exotic ingredients to create a harmonious and complex flavor profile. This blend caters to both dark chocolate aficionados and those who prefer a sweeter touch.
  3. Artisanal Craftsmanship: Each bar is crafted by skilled chocolatiers who blend traditional techniques with modern innovations. This ensures that every bite is a perfect balance of texture and flavor.

Ingredients and Nutritional Information

The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is made with the following premium ingredients:

  • Cocoa mass
  • Cocoa butter
  • Sugar
  • Natural vanilla
  • Sea salt
  • Organic nuts and dried fruits (depending on the variant)

Nutritional Information (per serving):

  • Calories: 220
  • Total Fat: 14g
  • Saturated Fat: 8g
  • Sugars: 12g
  • Protein: 3g

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, especially when made from high-quality cocoa like in the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend, offers several health benefits:

  1. Rich in Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is loaded with powerful antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body.
  2. Heart Health: Studies have shown that moderate consumption of dark chocolate can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.
  3. Mood Booster: The natural compounds in chocolate can boost serotonin levels, enhancing mood and providing a sense of well-being.

How to Enjoy the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar

  1. Savor Slowly: Allow the chocolate to melt in your mouth to fully appreciate the complex flavors and smooth texture.
  2. Pairing: Pair the Magic Blend Chocolate Bar with a fine wine, coffee, or tea to enhance its flavor profile. Experiment with different pairings to find your perfect match.
  3. Baking and Cooking: Use the Magic Blend in your favorite dessert recipes for an added layer of richness and depth. It works beautifully in brownies, cakes, and even savory dishes.

Why Choose Magic Kingdom Magic Blend?

  • Ethically Sourced: Our cocoa beans are sourced from farms that follow sustainable and ethical practices, ensuring fair wages and environmentally friendly farming.
  • No Artificial Additives: We believe in pure chocolate bliss, free from artificial flavors, preservatives, or additives.
  • Gift-Worthy Packaging: Each bar comes in elegant packaging, making it an ideal gift for chocolate lovers and special occasions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is the Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar?
    A: The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is a delicious chocolate bar made with a unique blend of high-quality ingredients.
  • Q: Where can I buy the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar?
  • A: You can purchase the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar at select retailers or online.
  • Q: Is the Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar suitable for vegetarians?
    A: Yes, the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is suitable for vegetarians.
  • Q: Does the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar contain any artificial flavors or colors?
    A: No, the Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar does not contain any artificial flavors or colors.
  • Q: Can I gift the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar to someone?
    A: Yes, the Magic Kingdom Mushrooms Chocolate Bar makes a great gift for chocolate lovers.
  • Q: What sets the Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar apart from other chocolate bars?
    A: The unique blend of ingredients and superior quality make the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar stand out from other chocolate bars.
  • Q: How many servings are in a Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar?
    A: The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar typically contains multiple servings, depending on the size of the bar.
  • Q: Is the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar gluten-free?
    A: Yes, the Magic Kingdom Mushroom Chocolate Bar is gluten-free.
  • Q: Can I enjoy the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar as a dessert?
    A: Absolutely! The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is perfect for indulging in as a sweet treat.
  • Q: Are there any nuts in the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar?
    A: The ingredients list will specify if there are any nuts in the chocolate bar.
  • Q: Is the packaging of the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar recyclable?
    A: The packaging of the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is typically recyclable.
  • Q: Can I find the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar in different flavors?
    A: The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar may come in various flavors, so check the packaging for options.
  • Q: Can children enjoy the Magic Kingdom Mushrooms Blend Chocolate Bar?
    A: Yes, children can enjoy the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar, but be mindful of portion sizes and any potential allergies.
  • Q: Does the Magic Kingdom mushroom Chocolate Bar contain caffeine?
    A: The presence of caffeine in the chocolate bar will be specified on the packaging.
  • Q: How should I store the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar for optimal freshness?
    A: It is recommended to store the chocolate bar in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Q: Can I incorporate the Magic Kingdom mushroom Chocolate Bar into baking recipes?
    A: Absolutely! The chocolate bar can be chopped up and used in various baking recipes for added flavor.
  • Q: Are there any special promotions or discounts available for purchasing the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar?
    A: Check with retailers or online platforms for any current promotions or discounts on the chocolate bar.
  • Q: Can I leave feedback or reviews about the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar online?
    A: Many retailers and websites allow customers to leave feedback and reviews about products, including the chocolate bar.
  • Q: Is the production of the Magic Kingdom Chocolate Bar environmentally friendly?
    A: Companies that produce the chocolate bar may have information on their sustainability practices and environmental initiatives.
  • Q: What makes the Magic Kingdom mushroom Chocolate Bar a must-try for chocolate enthusiasts?
    A: The unique blend of flavors, high-quality ingredients, and overall delicious taste make the Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar a must-try for any chocolate lover.


The Magic Kingdom Magic Blend Chocolate Bar is more than just a chocolate bar; it's an experience that brings together the best of nature and artisanal craftsmanship. Whether you're treating yourself or looking for the perfect gift, the Magic Blend promises to delight and satisfy. Discover the magic today and indulge in the ultimate chocolate experience.

For more information and to purchase the Magic Kingdom Mushrooms Chocolate Bar, visit our official website. Taste the magic in every bite!






































































































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Improvisation Blog

Improvisation Blog | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Cybernetics in Education and Technology

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education

OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

ChatGPT Edu, powered by GPT-4o, is designed for universities to responsibly integrate AI into academic and campus operations. This advanced AI tool supports text and vision reasoning, data analysis, and offers enterprise-level security.

Successful applications at institutions like Columbia University and Wharton School highlight its potential. ChatGPT Edu aims to make AI accessible and beneficial across educational settings.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

IA en Universidades

IA en Universidades | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

La IA Generativa y predictiva llega para obligar a las universidades a repensarse (una vez más) y tomar nuevas decisiones de diseño. Bienvenido este paradigma de producción y distribución de conocimiento. Sabemos que cuando a los sistemas complejos se los priva de estresores se vuelven débiles, como define la antifragilidad de Taleb (2012).

Esta problemática afectará en muy pocos años a nuestro día a día como gestores o profesores universitarios. Por esto, no es suficiente proponer y armar debates sobre el futuro de la educación con los usos de la IA. Más allá de cualquier conversación, ¿qué está haciendo usted lector ahora mismo para adaptarse?

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Artificial intelligence

📌OpenAI for Education | OpenAI

📌OpenAI for Education | OpenAI | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
An affordable offering for universities to responsibly bring AI to campus.

Via Sabrina M. BUDEL, Bhushan Thapliyal
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Rescooped by juandoming from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education

Gen AI – Governments, Districts and Schools - Culture of Yes - Chris Kennedy @chrkennedy 

Gen AI – Governments, Districts and Schools - Culture of Yes - Chris Kennedy @chrkennedy  | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

"Checking back in on AI. 

So, when it comes to gen AI in education – where do we start?  It is a question that is paralyzing many."

Via John Evans
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AutoML y VLM (Visual-languaje modeling): La Convergencia del Aprendizaje Automático y el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural trabajando en los procesos de investigación de la Educación disruptiva & ...

AutoML y VLM (Visual-languaje modeling): La Convergencia del Aprendizaje Automático y el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural trabajando en los procesos de investigación de la Educación disruptiva & ... | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós La modelización de visión-lenguaje (vision-language modeling, VLM) se refiere a la intersección de la visión por computadora y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP), donde se crean modelos capaces de entender y generar tanto texto como imágenes. Aplicar esta tecnología a la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial (IA) puede abrir nuevas…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

Boston University calls for 'critical embrace' of generative AI in new report

Boston University calls for 'critical embrace' of generative AI in new report | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Boston University is among the latest higher education institutions to recommend its faculty not outright prohibit generative artificial intelligence tools.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, May 29, 8:53 AM

"In addition to pushing for generative AI’s embrace, Boston University’s task force also made several other recommendations, including that instructors should be free to define policies that are 'suited to the learning goals of their courses.' It says the university should also require that every instructor include an AI policy on each course syllabus."

Rescooped by juandoming from AI up: Artificial Intelligence in Education

Explained: Generative AI

Explained: Generative AI | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
What do people mean when they say “generative AI,” and why are these systems finding their way into practically every application imaginable? MIT AI experts help break down the ins and outs of this increasingly popular, and ubiquitous, technology.

Via Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin's curator insight, May 29, 6:23 AM
What do people mean by GAI? "Generative AI can be thought of as a machine-learning model that is trained to create new data, rather than making a prediction about a specific dataset." A good 'how it works' piece.