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How to Give Feedback People Can Actually Use

How to Give Feedback People Can Actually Use | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Creating feedback that is truly useful requires more care and attention than is typically invested.


Like any skill — chess, golf, learning Mandarin — offering strategic developmental feedback requires that we pay attention to and do many things effectively and simultaneously.


Given the opportunity to help others develop and become more effective, it’s worth the effort.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

I have always felt that managers needed to accomplish  3 distinct things in order to be an effective manager.


1) Making sure that your team has the tools they need to be successful.


2) Learning the numbers for your specific sales, and then holding your team accountable to those metric.


3) Being able to effectively coach and mentor your team. 


Being comfortable and proficient in providing constructive criticism, and being able to coach for success, is a critical skill to have, and all managers should invest the time needed  to become skilled at providing strategic developmental feedback.  

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How You Can Avoid My Biggest Mistake as a Sales Manager

When I started managing, I was focused on things such as ...

Gaining trust from my team
Understanding what motivated each one of my team members to work with me and at the company
Ensuring I knew sales forecasting fundamentals
Finding scaleable training initiatives
Managing my time effectively
Building a team-wide vision and enabling team unity
Defining (and refining) the right way to on-board new team members

While all of those endeavors were absolutely worthwhile, I realized that all of these things could and would constantly change.


People came and went. Processes came and went. Sales targets and forecasting methods came and went. The market and competitive landscape evolved. Even the products and services we were (and are) selling evolved. It was all about change.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

There is a fundamental skill that sets apart the good sales managers from the great.


Can you guess what it is? 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

10 Traits of Managers Whose Teams Are Happy to Come to Work

10 Traits of Managers Whose Teams Are Happy to Come to Work | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
The last thing any manager wants their team members to do is dread coming to work each day. Because people spend the majority of their time at work, it is important managers do all they can to make that time enjoyable, exciting and well-spent.

A dictatorial manager who lacks empathy or insight may produce but high turnover will cause them to ultimately fail.


Excellent managers do their best to make 80 percent of the job rewarding, with a 20 percent balance of healthy stress. While this may not always be the possible, it is nonetheless their goal.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Mirror what you want your team to do....if you want an enthusiastic team, be enthusiastic! You want your team to take the initiative and work to improve their skill set? Do the same. 


We would  all gain by printing this check list of 10 traits that we should ALL be doing on a daily basis, as a terrific reminder of what to strive for .  


It is not realistic to expect direct reports to exhibit behavior that their managers do not do.


The old adage is true, for so many reasons.....the best way to lead, is to lead by example.  

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

100 Sales Questions to Truly Understand Your Prospects' Pain

100 Sales Questions to Truly Understand Your Prospects' Pain | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
At the heart of every sale is a thorough fact-find. You’ll want to unearth the needs, the wants, and the desires of your prospect so you can present your products and solutions in a way that will be of benefit to them. And the only way that you can do this is to ask quality sales questions so you can really find out what their current situation is, what their requirements are, and what they are looking to achieve.

Remember, your prospects want a good listening to, not a good talking to! They don’t want to just sit there listening to your monologue of why your products and services are the best. A prospect wants to know that you understand their situation in detail.

Chances are, your competitors are asking questions, but they're only skin deep. Instead, you need to drill down to the root causes of the issues your prospects face at a much deeper level and demonstrate your expertise on the subject.

Here's a comprehensive list of 100 sales qualifying questions you can ask buyers to get intimately familiar with their situation and formulate potential solutions.
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

A wise sales trainer once told me that you can always find the answers, provided you ask the right questions.  


Becoming proficient with qualifying questions, that you can easily add to your conversation, is a vital sales tool that will put you miles ahead of your competition.


In fact, I would say if there was one single factor that determined if someone was going to be an okay sales person or a superstar sales pro, it would be their ability to ask qualifying questions and then LISTEN to the answers, for indeed these answers are the most important piece of information your prospect can give to you.  


It seems that I get calls daily from vendors that dive immediately into their pitch, without ever taking the time to ask me what I  WANT..or more specifically, what I NEED


What is the one thing that I desire above all else when it comes to telecom services, payroll services, etc. etc.?  On the rare occasion that someone actually does ask me my favorite question, they earn the most valuable thing that I have to time,  to share my unique set of circumstances, and then my attention in listening to their proposed solution.    


Take the time to read and commit to memory this list of 100 sales questions that will help you qualify your prospects needs, pinpoint their pain points, and then enable you to come to the rescue with your solution.  

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

13 Sales Podcasts Every Rep Should Check Out

13 Sales Podcasts Every Rep Should Check Out | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

After a long day at the office, Netflix is usually more appealing than cracking open a sales book or streaming a sales training video on YouTube.

Fortunately, there’s a simpler way to learn new sales techniques without having to set aside extra time in your day -- through podcasts.

The next time you’re walking the dog, commuting, exercising, cleaning, or doing any other task that doesn’t require mental energy, pop in your earbuds, press “Play,” and learn from sales leaders and experts.

Here are 13 sales podcasts to get you started.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

A career in sales should entail an ongoing quest to perfect your selling skills. A true sales person is always  hungry to perfect their craft, and to add to their skill set. Here is a terrific list of 13 quality podcasts that you can easily plug into at your convenience, to learn some valuable selling skills. 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

10 Unique Characteristics of Top-Selling Salespeople

10 Unique Characteristics of Top-Selling Salespeople | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Have you ever wanted a peek inside the mind of a top salesperson? Although every rep has their own unique selling style, strategy, and process, their mindsets are surprisingly similar.

“Success in sales is 90% mental.”

If you want to improve your chances of hiring a star performer, check out your candidates baseline characteristics and see how they match up against these proven 10 characteristics that we consistently see  in high performing sales professionals. 

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

There have been countless articles written about the most common HABITS of successful sales people. Lately there have been some fascinating studies done on the science of intrinsic motivators....those inbred characteristics that drive some people to succeed. Any seasoned sales manager will tell you that while you can train many selling skills, you simply cannot train 'fire in the belly'.  As one of my all -time favorite trainers ( Steve Finkel) once told me, you cannot pour a gallons worth of knowledge into a quart container. Being able to decipher someones innate abilities, can give you a huge edge when making hiring decisions. We advocate using Predictive Testing/  to evaluate a candidates innate drivers and see if they match up with those known predictors of star performers. 

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7 "Innocent" Habits Of Failing Sales Directors - MTD Sales Training

7 "Innocent" Habits Of Failing Sales Directors - MTD Sales Training | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
Sales Directors and Sales Managers rarely get to their positions simply through loyalty or length of time served.

They’ve most likely been in the sales world themselves and been an excellent sales person.

But this doesn’t mean they will necessarily make it as a manager or director of business.

Indeed, there are many people who direct or manage sales, and they are simply in the wrong position.

The Peter Principle, originated by Laurence J. Peter, a Canadian educator, states that employees rise through the ranks via promotion until they reach a level of incompetence.

This doesn’t mean that every person who becomes a sales director will not be competent at the role, but it does mean they have to realise the role involves several different tasks and responsibilities that they hadn’t mastered before taking on the position.

I’ve noticed there are some habits displayed by Sales Directors that can have a negative effect on results and the morale of the team.

These aren’t carried out on purpose; in fact, most of the ones listed here are innocent in nature, mainly because they fail to see the enduring results of these habits.

Take a look and see if you recognise some of them:
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Thought provoking article which lists 7 very common habits of poor sales managers.


Can you guess what they are, and more importantly, are you guilty of them yourself?

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

13 Ways to Win your Sports Game and your Sales Game

13 Ways to Win your Sports Game and your Sales Game | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
The key to winning is being great EVERY time. Consistency plays great and pays great.
How consistently great are you?
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

13 great analogies to remember.


Giving thought to what you need to do to improve your game and then repetitive action/practice  is what will improve your skill set, weather it be in sports, or sales.  

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

27 Motivational Quotes to Start Your Day

27 Motivational Quotes to Start Your Day | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
"You can do it!"

When's the last time someone said that to you? In the daily grind of sales, you might not always receive words of motivation from your managers, because they get pushed to the wayside as calls and meetings pile up.

So think of this list as your personal cheerleader. It's ready to help start your day right and make it one you're proud of.

Today you'll succeed in connecting with that hard-to-reach prospect. Today you'll close that complex deal. Today you'll go from being a good manager to a great one.

Today is the day. So grab your coffee and check out these quotes!

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Driving a quota busting sales team requires constant coaching, holding them accountable for achieving stated goals, and inspecting what you expect.


And above all else, good sales managers are their team's cheerleader , inspiring them to push onward.


Enjoy these motivational quotes that are sure to add an extra  zip in your teams calls.


And for all of your sales recruiting needs, feel free to reach out to ISC Sales Recruiters. We have been providing award winning sales professionals to our Clients since 1999 and would love to help you fill that  all important sales or sales management role. ISC Sales Recruiters 

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Scooped by Ann Zaslow-Rethaber!

75 One-Sentence Sales Tips Every Rep Should Know

75 One-Sentence Sales Tips Every Rep Should Know | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Just as the best athletes constantly practice, improve, and refine their strategy, successful salespeople are always experimenting with existing techniques and trying out new ones. After all, the second an athlete or rep stops striving to get better, they backslide.

Check out these 75 one-sentence tips to keep you in peak selling shape. Whether you want to focus on your presentation skills, your approach to calling prospects, your methods for closing, or all of the above, you’ll find some great words of wisdom in this list.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

This one is worth printing!


75 brilliant tips to increase your selling skills.


Check out this quick read to learn important facts such as ...50% of targets open emails on their phone, and if your subject line has more than 7 words, it will not show up...take 2 minutes and then print this one will find yourself constantly referring to it, I know I do.  

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How to Effectively Answer, "Why Should I Do Business With You?"

How to Effectively Answer, "Why Should I Do Business With You?" | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
No matter what industry you’re in, you’ve likely received some form of, “Why should I do business with you?”

When most salespeople hear this question, they go into tap-dance mode and immediately list all the reasons why they’re great: “Our company is the best, our service is outstanding, we’ve been around for 100 years, and we have the best quality.”

Of course, your prospect expects you to say this, because your competitors are using this same response.

Think about it -- everyone claims to have the best quality and service, even if it isn’t true. Read on to learn how you can switch up your approach, dominate the competition, and capture your prospects’ attention when they ask, “Why should I do business with you?”
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

Fantastic article that highlights the wisdom of flipping roles between a sales person and the potential customer. By switching things up and rather than immediately going into your sales pitch, by first insisting on qualifying the buyer, in order to verify that you truly understand their pain points and can honestly deliver a solution, puts you miles ahead of your competition. 

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Sales Prospecting Tips That Changed My Career | Sales Hacker

Sales Prospecting Tips That Changed My Career | Sales Hacker | ISC Recruiting News & Views |
When I first got into sales, I struggled with my cold outreach. Learn the one piece of sales prospecting advice that changed my career.
Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's insight:

We all intuitively know that sales is a numerically predictable endeavor. Once you get your delivery smooth, it is always a matter of numbers, and understanding your metric is the key to accurate forecasting. I thought this article offered some terrific tips in increasing the variables that can dictate if you starve or thrive in the wonderful world of sales.  Becoming really good at reaching out to NEW potential clients via prospecting for new business is ultimately the key  to success! 

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